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Large foldout print...

Item # 176014

April 20, 1895

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 20, 1895  Full front pg. illus. of "The War in the East - Chinese Poor Receiving Alms at the Japanese Staff Office in the Kinchu Citadel." Inside is a full pg. containing four illus. pertaining to "The University of the City of New York." Small portraits of "Edwin A. Abbey," "Brigadier General Thaddeus H. Stanton," "John H. Knowles," and "William Court Gully."
VERY LARGE fold out illus. of "The Seat Perilous." 1/2 pg. with four illus. of "Chicago's New Elevated Railroad." 1/2 pg. with three illus. of "Opening the Yankton (South Dakota) Reservation to Settlement."
Complete issue.

Category: 1890-1899