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Views of Syracuse, New York...
Views of Syracuse, New York...
Item # 175922
June 02, 1894
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 2, 1894 Full front page illus. of "The Pilot Going on Board." Inside is a 1/3 pg. illus. of "The Accepted Design for the New Building of the New York Clearing House." 1/2 pg. portrait of "The Hon. Clifton R. Breckinridge, of Arkansas."
Full pg. illus. of "The Storm on the Chicago Lake Front." Full pg. of illus. of "The Onondaga Centennial - the City of Syracuse." Doublepage centerfold of "The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Young Men's Christian Association - A Few of the Buildings in the United States."
Complete issue.
Category: 1890-1899