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Great Salt Lake of Dakota... President William H. Harrison's Inauguration...
Great Salt Lake of Dakota... President William H. Harrison's Inauguration...
Item # 175376
March 09, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1889 (excludes supplement) Full ftpg: 'The Arrival of Troops--A Scene on Penna. Ave. Before Inauguration Day.' Very nice doublepage centerfold: 'Sketches in Washington Before the Inauguration' shows 10 scenes, including: 'The Arrival of the President Elect at the Arlington' [President William Henry Harrison]. Fullpg: 'The Great Salt Lake of Dakota' shows 7 scenes, 2 with Indians. Fullpg: 'Building the new War Ship Maine'.
16 pages, in nice condition (only minor foxing, with only small binding holes within the double-page prints).
Note: The four page California Wine-Making "Supplement" is not included. At times we do have issues which include this desirable supplement. The following link will take you to our listing (which may or may not be available): California Wine-Making Supplement
Category: 1880-1889