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One of the most desired baseball prints...

Item # 175312

July 28, 1888

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 28, 1888  The entire front page is taken up with one of the best 19th century baseball prints to be found, showing a batter, catcher & umpire captioned: "A Ball Or A Strike--Which?" drawn by T. de Thurstrup.
There are also many other prints within this issue including a fullpg. with 6 vignettes: "View of Town & Country in Honduras'"; a small print of "The Palais Bourbon"; a halfpg: "Sketches in the French Chamber of Deputies" and another full page with 2 prints captioned: "The French Chamber of Deputies" a halfpg: '"Shipping Watermelons by Rail from Atlanta, Georgia"; a small print of: "The Late Rev. Edward P. Roe"  & fullpg: "Immigrants Waiting to be distributed in the Coal Regions of Penna."
The Supplement issue has a great double page centerfold: "City of Rochester & Its Notable Buildings" and includes a great view of the city with eleven prints, plus several more small prints on other pages.
Complete in sixteen pages.

Category: 1880-1889