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One of the best baseball prints to be had...
One of the best baseball prints to be had...
Item # 175006
August 22, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1885 Many nice prints in this issue, but certainly the prime piece is the terrific full page baseball print by T. deThulstrup captioned: "The Winning Run--How Is It, Umpire?" being a dramatic print of a runner sliding into home plate showing the catcher, umpire and several players in the field.
This is one of the best baseball prints to be had from Harper's, accompanied with a full column story on the following page.
Other prints include a full front page: "Calibre Fifty-Four" by Zogbaum; a fullpg. montage of deep-sea divers: "Removing Pilgrim Rock"; a nice doublepage centerfold showing six scenes of: "Summer On Lake Superior" by Charles Graham; over a half page: "Bee Keeping in New York"; a full page: "High Bridge On Sunday" & a few other smaller prints including a back page political cartoon by Thomas Nast.
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1880-1889