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The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty....
The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty....
Item # 174990
June 27, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 27, 1885 Seven front pg. portraits of "English Conservative Leaders." Inside is a 2/3 pg. Nast illus. of "The Liberty Bell Back in Its Birthplace Again." Two 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Late Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, "The Red Prince"" and "William L. Alden, United States Consul General to Italy." 1/2 pg. illus. of "General Grant at Mount McGregor."
Doublepage centerfold of "Reception of the Bartholdi Statue of 'Liberty Enlightening the World': The Navy Procession Passing Through the Narrows." shows the ships entering the harbor and does not show the Statue of Liberty. Full pg. illus. containing four illus. pertaining to "Harvard University" including "Austin Hall," "The College Yard," "Sever Hall," and "Memorial Hall." Full pg. illus. containing seven illus. pertaining to "Yale College" including "Scroll and Key Hall," "South Middle," "Skull and Bones Hall," "the Chapel, Farnam Hall, and Durfee Hall," "The Pierson Statue," and "Rear of the Chapel." Supplement: Back pg. illus. of "Captain Carroll Finds the Saddle Blanket of Dr. West."
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1880-1889