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Displayable issue on the Republican elephant...
Displayable issue on the Republican elephant...
Item # 174854
March 08, 1884
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 8, 1884 For a political junkie--and a Republican--this could be the best Harper's Weekly for display as the entire front page print is captioned: "The Sacred Elephant. This Animal Is Sure To Win, If It Is Only Kept Pure And Clean, And Has Not Too Heavy A Load To Carry." This drawing is by Thomas Nast who created the republican elephant, and the democratic donkey, as well as the modern version of Santa Claus. Included within the drawing is a small rendition of Thomas Nast himself.
Other nice prints within include a full page of: "Bird's-Eye Map of the Seat of War in the Soudan"; a full page montage of 12 prints captioned: "Winter Sanitariums--Old Point Comfort"; a fullpg: "Lord Tennyson at Home" a fullpg: "In Carnival Time--New Orleans", "The New Armory in Philadelphia", "After Clams on Coney Island and a few other prints.
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1880-1889