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Dry docks of New York... Washington market...

Item # 174710

October 21, 1882

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 21, 1882  The front page of this issue features a full page Thomas Nast political cartoon entitled "'Ay! There's the Rub!' -- You Can't Change the Nature of the Animal". Inside the issue is much text with some illustration on 'The Bicentenary of Philadelphia'. Also included is a full page 'The Phillipse Manor House at Yonkers, Two Hundred Years Old'. Great doublepage centerfold: 'The Ship's Hospital -- The Floating Dry Docks of New York'. Also included is a one-third page 'The Storage Refrigerators for Western Beef, at Washington Market, New York' and a half-page 'Inundated Verona -- The Bridge of Castel-Vecchio, Across the Adige'.  There are three smaller Thomas Nast political cartoon included as well.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.

Category: 1880-1889