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Thomas Nast print...
Thomas Nast print...
Item # 174658
April 22, 1882
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 22, 1882 Front full pg. illus. of "A Summer Landscape." Inside are three 1/6 pg. illus. pertaining to "A Picturesque Railway Line." 1/3 pg. illus. of "A Moorish Masonic Lodge in Morocco." Two 1/6 pg. portraits of "George Inness" and "Dante Gabriel Rossetti." Two full pg. illus. containing several illus. of "Drill in the Bayonet Exercise at the Ninth Regiment Armory" and "Dogs of Various Countries." 1/2 pg. Nast illus. of "The Jeffersonian Revival." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Signal Service Station, Summit of Mount Washington."
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1880-1889