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P.T. Barnum - His Show in Winter Quarters...
P.T. Barnum - His Show in Winter Quarters...
Item # 174640
February 18, 1882
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 18, 1882 Nice halfpg: "The Billiard Match Between Slosson and Vignaux--Cheering the Victor" with insets of both. Fullpg: "Barnum's Show in Winter Quarters" includes 9 scenes, including one of "P.T. Barnum".
Nice fullpg: "Sleighing in Central Park, New York City" and a great fullpg: "Under The Towers" shows homes under the towers of the Brooklyn Bridge, still under construction. Small prints of "Stephen A. Walker" and "Alexander L. Holley" & "Hon. Charles E. Patterson" & "F. Hopkinson Smith". Nast print: "When the Spring-Time Comes, Gentle--Indian!". One-third page print: "Exiles from Russia--Their First Day In New York". Bkpg. has a small Nast political cartoon: "Why They Are For The Soldiers Now."
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1880-1889