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Columbia University regatta...
Columbia University regatta...
Item # 174248
June 01, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 1, 1878 Front full pg. Nast illus. of "The "Internationalists" are to Make the World all one Millennium." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Columbia College Regatta-The Henley Four." Four small illus. pertaining to "The Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C." 1/6 pg. portrait of "The Late Professor Joseph Henry." Small illus. of "James Smithson." Seven large illus. pertaining to "The Paris Exhibition of 1878" including: "The Street Railways at the Trocadero," "The Colossal Statues of Each Nation at the Entrance of the Building," "The Pont De Jena," "The Trocadero Building," "Fraternity-Under the Same Umbrella," "Chinese Workmen Painting Their Show Cases in the Building," and "Varnishing Indian Masks." Full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Waiting." Also, a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Indian Troops Ordered for Service in Europe." Supplement: 1/2 pg. illus. of "A Young Caffre Chief." Dblpgctrfld. of a "Fac-Simile of a Map of Africa Printed in 1626."
Category: 1870-1879