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Thomas Nast print... Yachting... A.B. Frost cartoon
Thomas Nast print... Yachting... A.B. Frost cartoon
Item # 174060
August 12, 1876
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 12, 1876 Full front page illustration: 'Struck It Rich! Prospecting in the Black Hills' shows two men examining a piece of ore.; Fullpage Thomas Nast cartoon: 'The "Blood Shirt" Reformed'; 1/2-page illustration: 'The Yacht "Mohawk"'; Doublepage centerfold by Thomas Nast: 'Declaration of Equality' shows the Justice figure, with six Blacks & one white on opposite sides of the scale.; A.B. Frost and Thomas Nast political cartoons; Some Centennial scenes of Art works.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
The supplement contains a full page illustration: 'An Indian Toilet'; a full page illustration "The Centennial - Tramps of all Nations on Their Way to the Exhibition"; a full page illustration "The Centennial - Sketches in the Turkish Cafe"; and 3/4 page illustration "Fishing Trawlers Returning To Port - Great Yarmouth"
Category: 1870-1879