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Submarine warfare...
Item # 173912
March 13, 1875
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 13, 1875 Full front page Nast illus. entitled Under Parole of Honor-The Ex-Officers of the Ex-Confederate Army in Congress." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. of "A Legitimate Question About Home Rule."
Doublepage centerfold of "The Return Home." Also, three 1/3 pg. illus. pertaining to "the Ice Blockade-A Taste of Arctic Weather." Small illus. of "Town and Castle of Acapulco, Mexico-Scenes of the Recent Massacre." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Religious Crisis in Switzerland-A Baptism at Compesieres." Full pg. illus. of "A Land Slip in a Mountain Pass-A Narrow Escape." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Submarine Warfare-New Torpedo Steam Launch." 2/3 pg. illus. of "German Gymnasts." (Gymnastics).
Complete in sixteen pages.
Category: 1870-1879