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American Indians...
Item # 173836
June 20, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 20, 1874 Nice ftpg: 'Irrigation In Colorado--Letting Water Into a Side Sluice-Way' Two halfpg: 'Indians Offering Gifts To The Dead' & 'Indian Canoe Race' Fullpg. Nast cartoon "The Greatest Joke of the Century". 3/4 pg "Italian Acrobats".
Doublepage centerfold "The Czar of Russia in England -- the Debarkation at Dover"; Halfpg "Studies from Life on the Deck of an Ocean Steamer"; "General B. H. Bristow, United States Secretary of the Treasury" and "Henri Rochefort".
Complete in sixteen pages.
Category: 1870-1879