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Winslow Homer "The Morning Bell"...
Winslow Homer "The Morning Bell"...
Item # 173782
December 13, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 13, 1873 By far the best & most desirable print in this issue is the nice full page by noted artist Winslow Homer titled: "The Morning Bell", which has a related article on a preceding page.
But there are many other prints in this issue including a full front page illustration by political cartoonist Thomas Nast captioned: "Justice." Inside are two half page illustrations of "The Hon. Noah Davis, Judge of the Supreme Court of New York" and "Russian Monument at Sebastopol." Also a full page: "Shelter for the Homeless - Night Scene in a New York Station House." and a doublepage centerfold by Thomas Nast: "Let Us Think Twice Before We Let Loose the Dogs of War."; a half page illustration of "The Spanish Iron Clad 'Arapiles,' in the Brooklyn Navy Yard." and one-third page illustration of "The Western Entrance to the Tunnel."
The "Supplement" has a two-thirds page illustration of "Sketches Around Khiva." and a full page illustration of "Cotton in Egypt."
Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1870-1879