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Winslow Homer, Thomas Nast, and Judaica interests...
Winslow Homer, Thomas Nast, and Judaica interests...
Item # 173632
July 06, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 6, 1872 Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon: "Our President puts His Foot Down, & the British Lion Will Have to Wriggle Out" shows President Grant among others.
Inside has a nice fullpg. Winslow Homer print: "Making Hay" a very notable print Another full page Nast political cartoon: "Shylock, We Would Have Moneys and Votes".
Inside also has a print of: "The New Jewish Synagogue, Corner of 55th and Lexington Ave., New York" which is the famed Central Synagogue, still existing today. There is a related article as well.
Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1870-1879