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Victoria Woodhull as the devil...
Victoria Woodhull as the devil...
Item # 173592
February 17, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 17, 1872 This issue features a full page Thomas Nast print in which he portrays Victoria Woodhull as the devil, captioned: 'Get Thee Behind Me, Mrs. Satan!' Not shown in the photo here is an unhappy woman who '...in climbing the rugged hill of life is compelled to bear alone the burden of a drunken husband & her little children.', who is tempted by Mrs. Woodhull who proclaims: 'Be Saved by Free Love!' Text includes quotes by Mrs. Woodhull, although her name is not mentioned. See the web for much more on the Victoria Woodhull.
Elsewhere in the issue are several scenes of: 'The Onondaga Indians'. The doublepage centerfold shows: 'Skating in Central Park'. Several scenes of 'New Years' Day In Japan', and most of the front page is taken up with a print; "The Valentine" with a related article.
Category: 1870-1879