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Good Mormon content with prints... Early Ku Klux Klan... Thomas Nast politicalcartoons...

Item # 173586

January 27, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 27, 1872  The front page is mostly taken up with an article: "The Ku-Klux" which is early discussion of the clan, and also includes an illustration: "Mississippi Ku-Klux in the Disguises in Which they were Captured".
Also within the issue are prints: "Wood Sellers, Richmond, Virginia" nearly a full page Thomas Nast political cartoon: "Et Tu, Brute?", with another, "Mr. David Dudley Field, 'Gone To A Higher Tribunal'"; a great article: "Among the Mormons" which takes 2 pages & includes illustrations of Brigham Young, George Smith, D. Wells, & a view of: "Main St. Looking North" & "Main St. West Side" & "Residences of B. Young & D. Wells, Main St." as well as a nice print of: "The Tabernacle" looking much like a domed football stadium.
Sixteen pages, nice condition.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

Category: 1870-1879