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The Great Peshtigo Fire more tragic than the Chicago fire... Victorial Woodhull...
The Great Peshtigo Fire more tragic than the Chicago fire... Victorial Woodhull...
Item # 173568
November 25, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 25, 1871 The significant print is the very dramatic doublepage centerfold captioned: "Forest Fires In The West--The Burning of Peshtigo", Wisconsin. This fire, which occurred on the same day as the more famous Chicago Fire & consequently received much less press attention, was actually much more of a disaster,as Peshtigo suffered over 1500 deaths compare to 300 in the Chicago Fire. It is an interesting curiosity of history that the Peshtigo Fire has been large forgotten despite causing the loss of 5 times the loss in Chicago.
Great full front page Thomas Nast political cartoon showing Boss Tweed. Two other fullpg. Nast political cartoons. Two Mormon illustrations: 'The Mormon Troubles--Brigham Young In His Study' & 'The Mormon Troubles--Trial Of Thomas Hawkins'. There is also a significant women's rights illus: 'Mrs. Woodhull Asserting Her Right To Vote' with an article.
Category: 1870-1879