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Troubles in Paris...
Troubles in Paris...
Item # 173490
February 25, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY Feb. 25, 1871 Front 1/2 pg. portrait of "The Rev. Bishop Simpson." Inside are three 1/3 pg. illus. pertaining to "The Railroad Accident at New Hamburg" including "...Scene of the Disaster on the Following Morning," "...The Burning Car," and "...Recovering the Bodies." Two 1/2 pg. pertaining to "The Darien Ship Canal Expedition" including "...The Pioneers Preparing for the March" and "...Native Village on the Coast." Also, a full pg. illus. of "In the Clutches of the Enemy."
A full pg. illus. of "Morning Roll Call at West Point." Six illus. pertaining to "The Ladies of Arequipa." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Hospital for Wounded Soldiers in the Palace of Versailles." Full pg. illus. of "Before the Surrender of Paris-"Another Sortie"." Full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Church and State-No Union Upon Any Time." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Bois De Boulegne in Its Present Condition." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Shooting an Elephant in the JardinDes Plantes, Paris."
Category: 1870-1879