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Winslow Homer...
Winslow Homer...
Item # 173372
January 08, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 8, 1870 The full front page engraving of the issue is entitled: 'Jack-in-the-Box'. Two-thirds of a page: 'Arguing the Point'. The doublepage centerfold is by Homer entitled: '1860 - 1870' and is several scenes reflecting on the war. Two-thirds of a page 'Home from the Wars'. Another full page illustration is "Toll Ye the Church-Bell Sad and Slow, and Tread Softly and Speak Low, For the Old Year Lies A-Dying" which is of two gentlemen cleaning a cemetery. An article on "The Late Edwin M. Stanton" also features a 2/3 page illustration of him as well.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1870-1879