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Thomas Nast's 'Pilgrims Progress in the 19th Century'...
Thomas Nast's 'Pilgrims Progress in the 19th Century'...
Item # 173360
November 27, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 27, 1869 The front page of the issue features a half page illustration "Charles A. Dana." Inside the issue are two quarter page illustrations of "The School Ship "Mercury"" & "School Between Decks on the School Ship 'Mercury'" (vessels with the goal of rescuing poor boys of good character and training them for naval service). A quarter page illustration is of the ship "The 'Iron Age'" (Sailboat). A two-third page Thomas Nast illustration of "Pilgrims Progress in the 19th Century." A two-third page illustration of "The Sale of Indulgences by Tetzel." There is also a nearly full page illustration of "The New Over Coat." (Clothing) and a three-quarter page illustration of "The Butt-Shooting A Cherry." (children playing).
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869