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Pennsylvania coal mining...

Item # 173338

September 11, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 11, 1869  The front page features an approximately one-third page illustration 'Union Pacific Railroad - Sherman Station, Wyoming Territory' along with a quarterpage illustration of "Prince Arthur, of England." Two full pages of 9 illustration of 'The Coal Mines of Pennsylvania - Mining the Coal' and "The Coal-Mines of Pennsylvania - Preparing the Coal for the Market.'  Two pages features three illustrations on The International Boat-Race" with the Harvard Crew.  A halfpage illustration is 'Raking for Clams, Prince's Bay'. A large illustration is "The Cuban Insurrection - the Patriots Burning a Sugar-Mill in Los Ingenios, Near Trinidad". The back page features a political cartoon by Thomas Nast.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text. 

Category: 1866-1869