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Baseball: the Red Stocking Club...
Baseball: the Red Stocking Club...
Item # 173318
July 03, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 3, 1869 The front page features an article on "Henry J. Raymond" with a large illustration of him. A fullpage illustration "Peace - Finale, Boston, June, 1869".
Perhaps the best print is a very nice half page: 'The Picked Nine of the Red Stocking Baseball Club, Cincinnati' showing ten players in uniform with some equipment.
Another half-page illustration is the "Farewell Dinner to Hon. A. G. Curtin, at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, June 12, 1869". Half of a centerfold: 'View of the City of Boston, Massachusetts, from the South' is very displayable plus 'International Regatta - The Harvard Crew Training on the Charles River'. A nice fullpage illustration is 'Strawberry Culture, New Jersey - Pickers in the Field'. A half page illustration by Thomas Nast is "Six Days with the Devil and One with God".
Sixteen pages with additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869