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The indian war of 1868/1869... Baron James De Rothschild...

Item # 173258

December 05, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 5, 1868 The front page of this issue features a nearly full page portrait of "The Late Baron James De Rothschild", with an accompanying article [Note: at the time of his death, the Jewish Baron was estimated to have amassed a fortune, separate from his family holdings, valued at more than five times the wealth of Bill Gates]. Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Brewer Fountain on Boston Common." A 1/4 page illustration of "Houdon's Statue of Washington" also features an accompanying article. Two small portraits of "Rev. Richmond Fisk, D.D., President of St. Lawrence University" and "Rev. Dr. Fisher, Principal of the Theological School." are accompanied by a small illustration of "St. Lawrence University".  There is a nice halfpage illustration "The Brewer Fountain on Boston Common" 1/3 pg. illus. of "The National Christian Convention in New York City." Two full page illustrations are entitled "The Indian War - Sheridan on the Move" and "Holiday in the Woods." A fullpage is comprised of two 1/2 page illustration "The Serra Viaduct, St. Paul's Railroad, Brazil." and "Chain-Gang at Richmond." Another full page contains illustrations pertaining to "The Hoosac Tunnel."
Complete in sixteen pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

Category: 1866-1869