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Thanksgiving dinner... Fulton ferry-boat collision... San Francisco earthquake......

Item # 173256

November 28, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 28, 1868 The front page shows a 1/4 page illustration: 'Punishing Slaves in Cuba' as well as nearly 1/2 page: 'El Moro Castle at the Entrance to Harbor of Havana, Cuba' with text. A full page illustration is "French Council of Ministers Held at St. Cloud, Presided over by the Emperor". A halfpage illustration is of 'Trapping Wild Turkeys'. There are two Thanksgiving full page prints 'Preparing for Thanksgiving' and 'The First Thanksgiving Dinner'. A halfpage has 4 scenes of the: 'Earthquake in San Francisco, California, October 21, 1868'. A halfpage illustration "The Fulton Ferry-Boat Collision, November 14, 1868".
Complete in sixteen pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text. 

Category: 1866-1869