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Lincoln's burial place... Martha's Vineyard...Bird hunting...
Lincoln's burial place... Martha's Vineyard...Bird hunting...
Item # 173234
September 12, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 12, 1868 The full front page of this issue shows: 'Tomb of Abraham Lincoln at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois' a has an accompanying text article inside. A full page features 7 views of 'Camp Meeting, Martha's Vineyard' also with text. Nice full page with 8 displayable scenes of: 'Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York'. A full page "The First Bird of the Season" is of a bird hunter and his dogs. Two scenes of: 'New York Life--' Boy Wanted' and 'Hot Corn!' An article "The Late Charles L. Elliott" also features accompanying illustrations.
Complete in sixteen pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869