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Minnehaha Falls... Fur-traders attacked by Indians...
Minnehaha Falls... Fur-traders attacked by Indians...
Item # 173202
May 23, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 23, 1868 The frontpage features a full page illustration "The Little Woman" which also features a poem on the inside page. An article "American Artists" features 1/4 page illustrations of "J.Q.A. Ward, N.A." and R. W. Hubbard, N.A." One-third page shows: 'Minnehaha Falls, Minnesota.' (famous from the song of Longfellow) and 'Falls of Snoqualmie River, Washington Territory'.
A full page "Ritualism at St. Alban's, New York - Order of Procession at the High Celebration of Easter-Day". Great full page 'Full-traders on the Missouri Attacked by Indians'. Nice full page 'New York House of Refuge on Randall's Island' which includes 11 scenes (new location of the 1st youth detention center in the U.S.). A half-page illustration features illustrations of "The Crown Prince of Italy and His Bride"
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869