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Johnson's impeachment, Long Island Sound, & Hudson River navigation...
Johnson's impeachment, Long Island Sound, & Hudson River navigation...
Item # 173192
April 18, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 18, 1868 The front page features a full-page illustration entitled "The Mariner's Children". The Impeachment Trial also includes a half-page illustration "The Impeachment Trial - The Senate in Consultation in the Ladies' Parlor" and a full page "The Ladies' Gallery of the Senate During the Impeachment Trial" during the Trial. A full page "A Mother's Cares" of chicks being guarded by the mother bird. Full page shows "Opening of Navigation--On the Mississippi--On Long Island Sound--On the Hudson".
Complete in 16 pages and contains prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869