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Blackwell's Island... Mont Cenis Pass Railroad...
Blackwell's Island... Mont Cenis Pass Railroad...
Item # 173176
February 29, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 29, 1868 The front page features a 3/4 page illustration '"Don't Go Yet!'' Dramatic fullpage 'Scene In the Hospital For Incurables on Blackwell's Island.' Beautiful print: 'The New Suspension Bridge Over the Ohio River At Cincinnati'. A 1/4 page illustration 'Stuart's portrait of George Washington' with text. An article entitled "Relieving the Poor" with two 1/2 page illustrations. Fullpage illustration 'Arrival of the Body of Prince Maximillian of Miramar at Triste, January 16, 1868.' A 1/4 page portrait of 'The Late Rear-Admiral H.H. Bell, U.S.N.' A 1/2 page illustration 'The Mont Cenis Railroad - Locomotive Engine , with Horizontal Extra Wheels, illustrating the Fell System.'
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869