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Colored Orphan Asylum... City of Memphis...
Colored Orphan Asylum... City of Memphis...
Item # 172986
May 05, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 5, 1866 Front full pg. illus. of "Colored Orphan Asylum, Memphis, Tennessee." Inside is a 2/3 pg. illus. of "Alexander H. Stephens." Four 1/2 landscape illus. entitled: "Nashville, From Edgefield," "Nashville, Tennessee, from the Opposite Bank of the Cumberland," "Louisville, Kentucky-Iron Clads Passing Louisville Falls at High Water on the Ohio," and "City of Memphis, Tennessee, after the War." There is also a full pg. illus. of "Timber Booms on the St. John River, New Brunswick." 1/6 pg. illus. of "Rebuilding the Burnt District in Richmond, VA." 1/4 pg. illus. of "James Stephens, the Fenian Chief." Small illus. of the "Explosion at Aspinwall-Ruins of the Panama Railroad Company's Freight House." 1/3 pg. illus. of the "Explosion at Aspinwall-The Wharf and the "European" on Fire."
Complete in sixteen pages.
Category: 1866-1869