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General George Armstrong Custer on the front page...
General George Armstrong Custer on the front page...
Item # 172832
November 12, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York Nov. 12, 1864 The front page contains a nice print captioned: "General Custer Presenting Captured Battle Flags at the War Department, Washington" showing him and many others holding flags.
Many other Civil War prints within, including a half pg: "Valley of the Shenandoah--Gen. Sheridan's Wagon Trains..." & a full page Thomas Nast cartoon: "How the Copperheads Obtain Their Votes" showing names being copied from tombstones. Another fullpg. has 2 scenes: "Army of the James--General Butler's Headquarters" and "Signaling by Torches Across James River from General Butler's Headquarters". Yet another page has prints of: "General James Ricketts" "The Late Brig. General Sidwell" "General Cuyier Grover" and "The Late Col. Charles Lowell".
The doublepage centerfold is a great political piece by noted artist Thomas Nast titled: "Election-Day" showing 4 vignettes (see) including "Soldiers Mailing Their Votes".
The back page has a cartoon: "Don't Swap Horses." Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War