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Wealth of Civil War illustrations...
Item # 172828
October 29, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 29, 1864 The full front page is a print of: "A Group of Cavalry Officers" on horseback, being Merritt, Kautz, and Wilcox. Pages 2 & 3 have various reports on the Civil War. Other prints within include: "Headquarters Army of the James--Pennsylvania Soldiers Voting" "Headquarters Army of the James--Rebel Prisoners & Deserters at the Guard-House" "The Late Chief Justice Roger B. Taney" with an article on him; "The Battle of Darbytown Road" a full page: "The Forelorn Hope--The Ship 'Secession' In the Breakers, the Chicago Wreckers Rushing to the Rescue" is actually a political cartoon.
Another full page print: "Night After the Battle", and smaller prints: "Receiving the Wounded on Board the 'Metacomet' " "Plan of the United States Ironclad the 'Chickasaw' " "The 'Metacomets' Boats Blowing Up the Rebel Ram 'Nashville' "View of Mobile and the Federal Fleet in the Bay" and "Richmond Refugees on Board the United States Sanitary Commission boat at City Point, Virginia".
The back page has a cartoon: "On The Wrong Track". Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War