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The first African-American chaplain in the U.S. Army...
The first African-American chaplain in the U.S. Army...
Item # 172736
December 12, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 12, 1863 The full front page is a dramatic print: "Guerrilla Warfare--Rescue of a Wounded Officer from a Band of Guerrillas". Prints inside include: "The Great Organ in the Boston Music Hall" "The Army of the Potomac--The Great Depot of Supplies on the Railroad" and "...The Bridge Over Bull Run--Present Appearance" "The Army of the Cumberland--Stevenson, Alabama" "...The Courier Line" and "...Pack-Mules in the Mountains" which shows a Black man leading them.
Historically significant is a small portrait of: "Rev. H.M. Turner, Chaplain First U.S. Colored Regiment". Rev. Turner was the very first Civil War Black chaplain in the Army. After the Civil War Turner ran for political office from Macon and was elected to the Georgia Legislature in 1868. He became a proponent of black nationalism and supported emigration of American blacks to Africa.
Also in this issue is a full page map: "The Theatre of General Grant's Operations, Showing the Country Between Chattanooga and Charleston." and a half page: "Map of the Vicinity of Knoxville, Tennessee, Showing the Line of Communication Between Knoxville & Chattanooga."
The back page has a political cartoon: "Ironical". Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War