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The war on the Mississippi...
The war on the Mississippi...
Item # 172570
May 10, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 10, 1862 The front page shows: "A Rebel Captain Forcing Negroes to Load Cannon Under the Fire of Berdan's Sharp-Shooters". Also a print of: "Major-General O.M. Mitchell".
Prints inside include a great full page view of: "The City of New Orleans, Louisiana, Taken by the Union Forces". Half pages: "Flag-Officer Farragut's Gulf Squadron, and Commodore Porter's Mortar Fleet" and "Reconnaissance of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi, by Gun-Boats From Flag-Officer Farragut's Squadron".
Great doublepage centerfold: "Yorktown, Gloucester and Scenes in the Camps Before Yorktown' ". Other prints include: "The Approaches to New Orleans By Lake Pontchartrain & Lake Borgne" and a full page of a map of: "The Mississippi River from Its Mouth to Cairo Showing New Orleans, Memphis, Fort Wright, Island Number Ten, Columbus, Etc." "Bird's-Eye View of the Federal Flotilla Descending the Mississippi to Attack Fort Wright" "Reconnaissance of Fort Wright By the Gun Boats & Mortar Fleet" and a print of: "Brigadier-General Quincy A. Gilmore"
The back page has 3 cartoons. Complete in 16 pages.
Category: The Civil War