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Democratic Convention...

Item # 172358

April 28, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 28, 1860 Ftpg. shows: 'Delegates to the Democratic Convention Leaving the Charleston Hotel'. Also a halfpg. scene of the Convention Hall at Charleston, S.C., plus a great dblpgctrfld. showing them in session at Charleston. 'Statue of Henry Clay, at New Orleans'. The back page has a notice for "The Base Ball Player's Pocket Companion" available by sending 25 cents to "Mayhew & Baker, Publishers" in Boston. Mentions that the publication contains "...the latest Rules and Regulations for both the Mass. and New York Games" and that it has illustrations. Quite early for an ad about a baseball publication. Complete in 16 pages.

Category: 1857-1860