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Winslow Homer... Sea-serpent in Bermuda...
Winslow Homer... Sea-serpent in Bermuda...
Item # 172342
March 03, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Mar. 3, 1860 Ftpg. shows the wreck of the 'Hungarian' off Sable Is., Nova Scotia. Fascinating print: 'Great Sea-Serpent Found in Hungary Bay, Bermuda'. Halfpg: '7th Reg. Marching Up Penna. Ave., Washington City'. Two small Homer prints: 'The Buds' and 'Mrs. Otcheson at the Piano'. This issue also contains the 3rd installment of "The Uncommercial Traveler", by Charles Dickens.
Complete in 16 pages.
Category: 1857-1860