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Dr. John W. Francis...
Dr. John W. Francis...
Item # 172174
July 24, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 24, 1858 The front page article is "Dr. John W. Francis" with an accompanying illustration of the same. "The Horse In City and Country" features two illustrations. "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features a halfpage illustration. "Old Church of St. John, at Pergamos". Two pages on 'Nicholas Longworth of Cincinnati, and The Vineyards of Ohio' showing a fullpage of vineyard scenes. The "Macedonian" article also features a 1/4 page illustration of "The United States Sloop-of-War 'Macedonian'". Backpage has scenes of: 'Adventures Of A Gold Hunter'
Complete in 16 pages and in good condition.
Category: 1857-1860