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Independence Hall... Mount Vernon...
Independence Hall... Mount Vernon...
Item # 172168
July 03, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 3, 1858 The front page of this issue features a halfpage illustration of 'The Signing Of The Declaration Of Independence, 1776' and also features an article on "The Signers of the Declaration of Independence". An article "Independence Hall, Philadelphia" also features a halfpage illustration 'Independence Hall, Philadelphia, A.D. 1858' plus two small illustrations "Liberty Bell" and "Independence Hall, A.D. 1776". "A Visit to Mount Vernon" article also features several illustrations including a halfpage 'Washington's Mansion at Mount Vernon - Front View' and a small "Mount Vernon Mansion - Rear View". Doublepage facsimile of the "Declaration Of Independence". Quarter page print of "The Largest Gold Nugget Ever Found". "The Boston Regatta" features a halfpage illustration "The 'Haravard,' Winner of the Race for Six-Oared Boats, on the Charles River, Boston, June 19, 1858".
This issue is complete in 16 pages, in good condition as shown and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1857-1860