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The Mormon War...

Item # 172158

May 29, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 29, 1858  The front page features a print of: "Hon. William M Gwin, of California".
Other prints within include: "'Travel Notes in Bible Lands" includes a print of: "Plain and Ruins of Sardis".
"The Great Bell Crevasse' is just above New Orleans and shows 3 scenes. Nice full page illustrations of the:  "Battle of the Waxhaws, May 29, 1780" and "The Storming of Ft. George, May 27, 1813", both nice war scenes.
A nice half page print: "Elelphant-Washing in India" with accompanying text.
Page 2 has an article: "The Mormon Hegira" (flight to a more desirable place) which reports on the on-going Mormon War with the United States.
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition as shown and contains additional prints and related text.

Category: 1857-1860