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The 'Central America' disaster...

Item # 172086

September 26, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 26, 1857  This issue contains the first report of 'The "Central America", the great ship wreck: "...The catastrophe which we all deplore -- which in the midst of panic strikes a deeper thrill... we can only sympathize and bow in humility, confessing human weakness, and saying, 'Thy will be done!'"
The front page features an article and illustration: 'A Haunt of Fashion' showing a fancy dress ball. 'The Fifth Exhibition of the United Sates Agricultural Society' which features 'The Tent' and 'The Machinery Hall' and an illustration of 'Marshall P. Wilder, president of the United States Agricultural Society. An article on the Hindoo god 'Juggernauth' also features a large illustration 'Gateway of the Great Temple of Juggernauth'.
Large and dramatic doublepage centerfold: ''The Collins Steamer 'Adriatic' the Largest Ship in the World' also has an accompanying article. 'Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features a nearly half-page illustrations of 'Tiberias & the Sea of Galilee' and a small illustration 'Burial of Miss Warren, near Tiberias'. A nearly full page illustration 'Preparing to Blow the Sepoys from the Cannon's Mouth'
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition as shown and contains additional prints and related text.

Category: 1857-1860