Web Results (2112)



Exceedingly rare 1566 newsbook... Over 450 years old...

Item #690168

August 21, 1566

Only rarely have we had the great pleasure to offer the earliest of "newspapers" to our customers, being the German newsbooks dating from the 1500's.

The title reads: Newe zeitung vom XXI Augusti auss Wien anno 1566" which translates, literally, to "New Newspaper from August 21, from Vienna in the year x66". These "newsbooks", as they were called, were the p... See More  

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Very rare & early news pamphlet from Amsterdam...

Item #698014

August 01, 1632

Dutch newsletter/pamphlet from Amsterdam, August, 1632  

* Very rare 17th century publication

* Siege - capture of Maastricht

* Dutch journalist & printer Broer Jansz

A very rare news pamphlet by the famed early Broer Jansz, one of the most prolific newsmen of the 17th century. Included with this item is an extensive biography of him and his work.

Included also is a translation o... See More  

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Four London Gazette newspapers...

Item #623133

August 21, 1671

THE LONDON GAZETTE England. These four issues cover the past four  centuries being 100 years apart with dates being: August 21, 1671; December 21, 1771; August 29, 1871; and September 23, 1971.

Each contain news of the day, lots of royal related news. This title is the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world and is still published today. Of interest is t

... See More  

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America's first war...

Item #689643

August 16, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 16, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The back page has a report concerning King Philip's War, an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day New England and English colonists.

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" ... See More  

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King Philip's War: the first war in America...

Item #682795

August 19, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, August 19, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" is lost with most Americans, but the event cannot be over-stated. This was America's first war, and the only newspaper in existence to report it was this title.... See More  

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Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1685...

Item #712243

August 17, 1685

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 17, 1685

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

* Unique gift idea for that history buff

This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, t... See More  

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Battle of Buda... King James II appoints a new Caribbean governor...

Item #689374

August 19, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 19, 1686  The front pafge has a report from Vienna noting: "Upon the advice of the march of the Grand Viper to relieve Buda, the council of war hath been several times assembled here in the Emperor's presence; and orders have been sent to all the Imperial troops, which were dispersed in small bodies to join the army before Buda..." wit... See More  

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New governors in Jamaica, Barbados, and Maryland...

Item #666866

August 10, 1710

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 10, 1710  The back page has a notable report: "The Queen hath been pleased to appoint the Honourable Lord Archibald Hamilton to be Captain-General and Governor in Chief of the island of Jamaica...Robert Lowther Esq. to succeed Milford Crow, Esq., in the government of Barbadoes; and Colonel Corbet to succeed Colonel Seymour in the government of  the ... See More  

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The Queen creates a formal postal system between England & the American colonies...

Item #704168

August 29, 1710

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 29, 1710  

* Establishment of post offices in American colonies

* Anne, Queen of Great Britain

The back page contains considerable detail on what is likely a very significant event in the creation of a formal postal system between England and the American colonies.

The report includes: "Whereas Her Majesty has been pleased to direct, that a month... See More  

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Newspaper edited by the famed Jonathan Swift...

Item #688690

August 19, 1713

THE EXAMINER, London, Aug. 10, 1713 

* Rare 18th century publication

This editorial-format newspaper was edited by the famed Jonathan Swift at this time (of Gulliver's Travels fame), It promoted a Tory perspective on British politics, at a time when Queen Anne had replaced Whig ministers with Tories.

Complete as a single sheet newspaper as was typical of the day, 7 1/2 by 13 inches... See More  

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Newspaper edited by the famed Jonathan Swift...

Item #697842

August 31, 1713

THE EXAMINER, London, Aug. 31, 1713 

* Rare 18th century publication

This editorial-format newspaper was edited by the famed Jonathan Swift at this time (of Gulliver's Travels fame), It promoted a Tory perspective on British politics, at a time when Queen Anne had replaced Whig ministers with Tories.

Complete as a single sheet newspaper as was typical of the day, 7 1/2 by 13 inches... See More  

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Rare mention of the ghost town Purrysburg, South Carolina...

Item #685365

August 17, 1734


* From when George Washington was two years old

* Purrysburg, South Carolina ghost town mention

This was the leading anti-Walpole political journal of its time: Thomas Lockwood describes it as "the most successful political journal of the first half of the eighteenth century...". 

The stated purpose of ... See More  

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Treatment in the West Indies... Early Masonic item...

Item #616630
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1738  One of the articles within begins: "I have orders...the British subjects complain in the strongest manner of the oblique ways & unjust means which the Spanish officers in the West Indies make use of for condemning & confiscating their ships..." with more, taking almost an entire pg. (see photos for portions).

Among the
... See More  

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Early issue of America's first successful newspaper...

Item #682697

August 23, 1739


* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had

Above the title is "New-England", likely to distinguish this newspaper from the city of Boston in England.

This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only pre... See More  

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The siege of Bergen-on-Zoom...

Item #676745
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1747  This issue features a full page plate which includes several illustrations. Plus over a full page is taken up with a sheet of music.

Articles include: "Letter of a Persian Spy" "Papists Charged with Irreligion & Cruelty" "Inconveniences of Hoop Petticoats" "Solar Eclipse Calculated" "Fren
... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Nice plates, including a cross section of a ship...

Item #667134
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1748  Among the articles are: "Description of Aix la Chapelle & history of the Protestant Religion There" "New Astronomical Observations" "Of the Late Lunar Eclipse" "Of Saturn & Its Rings" (with full page plate) "Description of the City of Lima, from Betagh's Voyage Round the World...&qu
... See More  

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Nice plates, including a cross section of a ship...

Item #667135
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1748  Among the articles are: "Description of Aix la Chapelle & history of the Protestant Religion There" "New Astronomical Observations" "Of the Late Lunar Eclipse" "Of Saturn & Its Rings" (with full page plate) "Description of the City of Lima, from Betagh's Voyage Round the World...&qu
... See More  

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Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...

Item #692662

August 02, 1753

THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, August 2, 1753 

* Rare Colonial New York original

* Short lived publication

This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.

A fine opportunity to purchase
at a reasonable price a very ... See More  

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Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...

Item #697460

August 16, 1753

THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, August 16, 1753 

* Rare Colonial New York original

* Short lived publication

This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities" as Brigham relates.

A fine opportunity to purchase
at a reasonable price a very ... See More  

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Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...

Item #704705

August 30, 1753

THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, Aug. 30, 1753  This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.

A fine opportunity to purchase
at a reasonable price a very early issue--over 270 years old--by James Parker from the colonial p... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Early map of the Caribbean Islands...

Item #683352
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1756  The first two pages are devoted to the "Caribee Islands" [Caribbean] primarily limited to text on Barbadoes.

But of greater significance is the great and desirable foldout map labeled: "A Map of the CARIBBEE ISLANDS Shewing which belong to England, France, Spain, Dutch, & Danes...". This map folds out to 8 1/2 by 13 1/2 ... See More  

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War-related items from the Caribbean...

Item #694208

August 06, 1757

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1757  Page 6 has over half a column with news headed: "America" with news from the Caribbean and problems with sickness among naval crews. One bit notes: "...North America must be first reduced, and then use islands must go of course."

Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, great condition.

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News from the French & Indian War...

Item #694207

August 30, 1757

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1757  Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a New York dateline, mentioning in part: "...the embargo was taken of all vessels bound from hence for Great Britain...several sloops arrived here from Albany with a few of Otway's men, designed to keep garrison in Fort George in this city...that seven French men of war that were seen cr... See More  

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Three great plates on the Seven Years' War...

Item #709995
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1759  Of prime interest are the 3 full page plates on the Seven Years' War, the first titled: "A Map of the Part of Westphalia in which the French Army Were Defeated , Aug. 1, 1759" which shows much details (see), the plate titled: "Line of Battle of the Allied Army Before the Engagement on the First of August, 1759", plus ... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Map of Germany... French & Indian War...

Item #585531
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1760 

* Battle of Quebec

* Map of the war in Germany

* French and Indian War

A feature of this issue is the "French Account of the Raising the Siege of Quebec" which takes over half a page (see for portions). There is also: "A Description of a Water Mill of a New Construction..." for grinding sugar cane in Jamaica, which in... See More  

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The British fight the Cherokee Indians...

Item #693504

August 30, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1760 

* Battle of Echocee - South Carolina

* Cherokees - Indians - Native Americans

* British General Archibald Montgomerie

The front page has a report noting: "By letters from Charles Town [Charleston], South Carolina, we learn...Col. Montgomery...was surrounded in the middle of the Cherokee country by a vast body of Indians. The British t... See More  

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Some notes from the French & Indian War...

Item #695161

August 03, 1762

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1762  Page 7 has an: "Extract of a Letter From Philadelphia", bits including: "Gen. Mockton is returned...to his government of New York...Seven British ships of war were cruising of Cape Francis, blocking up the French men of war...The Indians to the north and west are very quiet...".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 3/4 inches, partial red ... See More  

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British want peace with the Cherokees, but will remain on their guard...

Item #695163

August 26, 1762

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 26, 1762  The front page has half a column headed: "America" with a Charleston dateline, concerning the Indians. A portion notes: "The serious attention that has been given to Indian affairs, the scrupulous adherence to the most material and preliminary article of the treaty with the Cherokees...have, in all probability, convinced this Indian... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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On the end of the French & Indian War...

Item #700457

August 06, 1763

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1763  

* French and Indian War nearing the end

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1763  Most of the front page is taken up with reports under the heading: "America", with a Perth Amboy dateline, and includes: "The termination of a long & burthensome war, by the late Definitive Treaty, is an event as happy as it is g... See More  

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Map of road from London to Berwick & York... Indians visit London...

Item #657760
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1766 Articles within this issue include: "...Act for Opening & establishing certain ports in the Islands of Jamaica and Dominica for the more free importation and exportation..." "On the Doctrine of Original Sin" 'An Improvement in Common Watches" which includes a print of the gears and workings of a watch (see), and mo... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #692758

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 7, 1758, May 15, 1760, Jan. 20, 1763, Jan. 5, 1768, & Jan. 30, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American coloni... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #697736

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 14, 1758, Jan. 2, 1759, Jan. 13, 1761, Jan. 25, 17673, and Jan. 1, 1771. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good condi... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #698004

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 17, 1758, Jan. 1, 1760, Jan. 25, 1763, Jan. 4, 1766, and Jn. 2, 1770. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good conditio... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #698459

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 19, 1758, Jan. 8, 1760, Jan. 27, 1761, Jan. 27, 1763, and Jan. 15, 1771. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good condi... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #698705

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Feb. 25, 1758; Jan. 2, 1759; March 28, 1765; April 24, 1766; and Feb. 6, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good cond... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #698821

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Dec. 26, 1761, May 19, 1763, May 3, 1766, April 2, 1768, & April 14, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colon... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #699116

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 26, 1758; Feb. 8, 1759; Jan. 8, 1760; Feb. 3, 1761; and 

April 29, 1766. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #700551

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Sept. 30, 1758; Sept. 16, 1760; July 28, 1761; May 21, 1768; & May 19, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American col... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #701355

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated June 20, 1758, Oct. 4, 1760, Feb. 12, 1761, March 31, 1768, and May 11, 1771. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in nice condi... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #701947

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Aug. 12, 1758, June 24, 1760, May 5, 1761, Feb. 2, 1768, and May 21, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in nice conditio... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #702789

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Sept. 16, 1758, Nov. 13, 1762, Dec. 13, 1764, April 7, 1768, and May 2, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in nice condi... See More  

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #704040

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated March 9, 1758, June 10, 1760, MArch 3, 1763, Feb. 20, 1768, and May 28, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies. 

Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good condi... See More  

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News from America... Georgia prohibits noted exportations...

Item #631130

August 30, 1766

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1766  Page 2 has: "AMERICA. Baltimore Town, Maryland", which mentions the inhabitants' efforts to raise funds for a statue in honor of General William Pitt.

Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with 3 datelines from Charleston, noting Lord Charles Montagu as the new governor of South Carolina; that Georgia has prohibited the exp... See More  

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Bostonians complain...

Item #650311
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1767  Among the articles within are: "Observations on the American Locust" which takes nearly two pages and includes three illustrations of them (see); "Journey to the Written Mountains" includes a foldout plate showing the inscriptions there, near the Red Sea (see), measuring 8 by 10 1/2 inches; "Acts for the Preservation... See More  

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Single sheet "Supplement" to the Pennsylvania Gazette...

Item #694917

August 03, 1769

SUPPLEMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, No. 2119  (Philadelphia, Aug. 3, 1769)  

* Rare colonial publication

This "Supplement" issue came with the Aug. 3, 1769 (date not printed here) issue of the Gazette but has since been separated. As was typically the purpose of Supplement issues, this single sheet is entirely taken up with advertisements that could not fit in the reg... See More  

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Non-importation in South Carolina...

Item #601145

August 12, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 12, 1769  Half of page 6 is taken up with a very nice report from South Carolina concerning the work of that colony to compel all residents & merchants to abide by a non-importation agreement, and also that they will: "...encourage & promote to the utmost of our power, the use of the North American manufactures in general, and those of this pro... See More  

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Angry that the governor dissolved the General Assembly...

Item #601268

August 26, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Aug. 26, 1769  Page 2 has most of a column taken up with reports headed "America" with Boston, Williamsburg, and Philadelphia datelines. The Boston report ends with: "...Resolved...when the governor of the Province had wantonly dissolved the General Assembly & arbitrarily refused to call another upon the repeated dutiful petition of the people." T... See More  

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Persevering during non-importation...

Item #679854

August 02, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 2, 1770  Page 6 has a report headed: "America" from Charleston which begins: "There cannot be a more striking proof of the virtue & patriotism & the determined resolution of our merchants to persevere in the most strict observance of the non-importation agreement than...".

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, very nice, clean condit... See More  

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Holding to the non-importation agreement...

Item #581942

August 28, 1770

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1770  Inside under: "AMERICA, Philadelphia" is a report of: "...English goods arrived here...which were purchased by two shopkeepers...contrary to the non-importation agreement; upon which the committee of merchants sent for them & represented the impropriety of their conduct, which they readily acknowledged & the good were i... See More  

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Engraving of the skyline of London... News from Boston...

Item #697633

August 01, 1771

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1771  Perhaps the most interesting feature is the full title/contents page which has a very intricately engraved view of the skyline of London at the time, making this very decorative.

Near the back is the "Monthly Chronologer" which includes over a full page of reports headed "America" with items from Boston, including 2 messages fro... See More  

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From between the Boston Massacre & the Boston Tea Party...

Item #622343

August 03, 1772

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 3, 1772 

* Rare title

Pages 1 and 2 are almost entirely taken up with various European news, including military events, with pgs. 3 & 4 mostly taken up with ads.

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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News from Albany...

Item #587049

August 19, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 19, 1772  Page 2 has a piece headed: "America" from Albany with a story of a brave rescue of a child from falling overboard from a ship (see).

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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Value of the Ohio River...

Item #582086

August 24, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1772 

* Ohio River value ?

* Pre Rev. War era

Page 3 has a paragraph noting: "The Ohio, though a very extensive river of North America...is cut off from all possible intercourse with a foreign commerce & has no connection whatever with the sea..." and a bit more (see photos). Four pages, folio size, red ink tax ... See More  

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Much on the Mississippi...

Item #583782

August 29, 1772


* Early Mississippi & Ohio Rivers

Page 2 has a report which includes: "...The public, in the various conversations which have arisen on the subject of the new settlement in North America, generally confound the Mississippi with the Ohio; whereas the two rivers are very distinct; the first is capable of admitting the larges... See More  

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The Declaration of Independence...

Item #677985
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1776 

* Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text

* As reported from Great Britain

It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find an issue containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing o... See More  

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The Declaration of Independence...

Item #687396
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, London, England, August, 1776  

* Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text

* As reported from Great Britain

It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find issues containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing... See More  

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Rumors about the war...

Item #597528

August 02, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 2, 1777  Page 2 includes: "The last advices received from Gen. Howe...mention that he was then in motion with the main body of the army in the Jerseys to attack Philadelphia...consequently that the various reports of the defeat of Gen. Howe and Lord Cornwallis are without foundation....Notwithstanding all that has appeared in the papers about Gen... See More  

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The situation with America... Report from Charleston...

Item #688361

August 04, 1779

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 4, 1779  

* American Revolutionary War

* Report from Charleston, South Carolina

A brief item on pg. 2 notes: "...an express was received from South Carolina that General Prevost had made himself master of Charlestown [Charleston] the 11th ult, which he had carried by assault." See images for more details.

Over half of the f... See More  

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The situation with America...

Item #598250

August 09, 1779

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 9, 1779 

* Rare Revolutionary War era title

The entire front page is taken up with the continued: "The History of the Opposition During the Last Session of Parliament" which has much concerning the Revolutionary War.

Inside is mostly taken up with European reports, although a few brief references to the Revolutionary War.

Four pages,... See More  

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More on Prevost's defeat... A letter criticizing the war in America...

Item #697639

August 17, 1779

THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, Aug. 17, 1779  

* American Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century from The Enemy

* Charleston, South Carolina

* General Augustine Prevost

The bottom of page 3 has a report noting: "...brings...a confirmation of the defeat of Prevost and that that General would have met with the fate of Burgoyne had it not been for the boats he had on the river, i... See More  

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How Virginia dealt with patriots & traitors...

Item #592255

August 20, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 20, 1779  Page 3 under "America" has a report from the Committee of the House of Delegates in Virginia, which includes: "...those inhabitants of this state who were beyond sea at the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, & have not since by overt acts adhered to the public enemy, ought still to be deemed citizens of this commonwe... See More  

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From the midst of the Revolutionary War...

Item #598275

August 23, 1779

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 23, 1779 

* Rare Revolutionary War era title

Although from during the midst of the Revolutionary War this issue has no war-related content. All the content is European in nature. Complete in 4 pages, folio size, some period notations in ads & their margins, very nice condition.

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British defeat in the South...

Item #592256

August 24, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1779  Most of the first column on the front page is taken up with a piece from the book of Genesis prefaced with: "The following beautiful Apologue in the Eastern stile was written by Dr. Franklin some years ago, with a view of reclaiming his countrymen in New England from that spirit of intolerance and religious persecution which were then so... See More  

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Latest war news in a rare newspaper from the Revolutionary War...

Item #698073

August 26, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 26, 1779  

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

Page 3 has a: "...letter from an officer of distinction to the honorable Major-General Gates..." which begins: "I... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #581373
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780  One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such f... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #678246
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the s... See More  

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Pennsylvania Assembly distresses their residents...

Item #685789
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780  One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such fines ... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Concerns of the Virginians...

Item #595081

August 09, 1780


* American Revolutionary War

Page 2 has a report: "A gentleman just arrived from Virginia, by the way of New York, says the distresses of the inhabitants of that province are hardly to be described; that many of the first families had not tasted a morsel of fresh meat for near two months...This intelligence seems to account suf... See More  

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Letter from Washington to Hancock, and more...

Item #700618

August 16, 1780

RUDDIMAN'S WEEKLY MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 16, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War era

* From the enemy original

* George Washington letter to John Hancock

Most of the front page and all of page 2 are taken up with a report headed: "America" including a lengthy "Speech of...the Gov. of Georgia to the General Assembly..." with a pro-British theme.

Port... See More  

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Revolutionary War in the South... Ninety-Six, South Carolina....

Item #686406
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1781 

* Revolutionary War in the South

* Ninety-Six SC South Carolina

The "Historical Chronicle" includes a short bit about: "Two gentlemen...charged with carrying on a treasonable correspondence with the American agent Adams at Amsterdam & with supplying the Colonists with arms & ammunition...".

This is followe... See More  

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Benedict Arnold... Victory at Camden...

Item #586957

August 04, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 4, 1781  Page 2 has a report which includes: "...that since some of Washington's letters were intercepted, discovering the intention of his army in conjunction with the French troops on Long Island to attack Gen. Clinton, a misunderstanding has taken place between Washington and the French General Rochambeau, which is expected will be of more good ... See More  

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Battle of Green Spring... Great reports on the Revolutionary War...

Item #698072

August 14, 1781


* Battle of Green Spring

* James County, Virginia

* American Revolutionary War

The front page has news from captured correspondence including: "The revolt of the Pennsylvania line & Jersey brigade...are certainly events of very great importance, & must have very extensive effects both in reduc... See More  

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Proclamations by British officers...

Item #587016

August 21, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 21, 1781  Much of the front page is taken up with naval reports from the Caribbean. Page 4 has a nice document from Charleston signed in type by both: Rawdon and N. Balfour, in which they note: "...attention to the general security of the province has obliged his Majesty's troops...to relinquish some of the upper parts of it...unnecessary for us to... See More  

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The Siege of Ninety-Six and more military events in South Carolina...

Item #696741

August 28, 1781


* Siege of Nintey Six - South Carolina

* General Nathanael Greene defeat

* American Revolutionary War

 Half of page 2 is taken up with a letter from Major General Greene in which he officers much on the Siege of Ninety-Six.

Additional reports carry over to page 3 with much more detail on the military event... See More  

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Maryland resolves for peace, but only if independence is assured...

Item #696918

August 01, 1782

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1782 

* American Revolutionary War

* Maryland for peace

Under: "American Affairs" is a report from Annapolis which includes: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North America...to enable the King of Great Britain to conclude a peace or truce with the United States (b... See More  

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The Asgill Affair: Asgill has been set free... British to leave New York...

Item #681156

August 03, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 3, 1782 

* American Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century from The Enemy

Page 3 includes: "Lord Shelburne's scheme for prosecuting the American war is to withdraw the troops from New York, but to keep Charles-Town and to carry on hostilities chiefly at sea. The troops at New York to be sent to he West Indies...Advice received from Bo... See More  

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Two opinions on how peace should be negotiated... Building a navy...

Item #683369

August 03, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1782 

* Ending the Revolutionary War ? peace ?

All of the front page & part of page 2 are taken up with: "Letters From an American Farmer Describing Certain Provincial Situations, Manners, and Customers not General Known..." which offers some interesting thoughts on the culture of the Americans at that time.

Pg. 3 includes: "The... See More  

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Peace with dishonor is not acceptable...

Item #644618

August 06, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1782 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 4 has an interesting report which explains how the British soldiers  fighting in America are paid (see). Page 5 has news headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston and Annapolis mentioning in part: "...in an excursion he made to Amelia twp. last week fel... See More  

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Guy Carleton has arrived to negotiate a peace treaty...

Item #681158

August 08, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 8, 1782  

* American Revolutionary War

* Guy Carleton for peace ?

The front page has a report from Annapolis, Maryland's House of Delegates noting in part: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North America...the draft of a bill brought into the British Parliament to ... See More  

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New York Loyalists are nervous that the British will abandon them...

Item #644622

August 15, 1782


* New York loyalists

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 2 has a letter from New York noting: "The people here are in a great consternation on a rumour among us, that, the British forces are to evacuate this & every part of America, which has had such an effect on the Loyalists that some of them have already sent... See More  

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Washington & the French are advancing upon New York City...

Item #681161

August 27, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 27, 1782  

* 18th century Revolutionary War Era

* From The Enemy - George Washington

The front page has: "...various accounts from America...brought...from Virginia & some more recent arrivals from the Chesapeake, all agreeing that the plan of combined operation between America and France is against New York; and that an attempt is ... See More  

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Ben Franklin celebrates the 7th anniversary of the 4th of July...

Item #700871

August 01, 1783

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 1, 1783

* Declaration of Independence anniversary

* Benjamin Franklin celebrates - celebration

 Page 2 has a few bits concerning the tobacco trade in Virginia. Page 3 has: "...Advices from Paris...mention that it being...seven years since Congress declared the independence of the United States of America, Dr. Franklin celebrated that anniv... See More  

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John Hancock signs an Act of the Mass. legislature...

Item #703218

August 07, 1783

THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 7, 1783  Almost the entire issue is taken up with a lengthy Act of the state of Massachusetts, titled: "AN ACT, Laying Duties of Impost and Excise on Certain Goods, Wares and Merchandise therein described...". It is signed at its conclusion on page 4: John Hancock.

Included as well is the "Supplement" single sheet which includes a ne... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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John Hancock resigns as President of Congress...

Item #643047

August 01, 1786

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1786  Included is a: "Topographical Description of Hastings in Sussex", England, which also includes a nice foldout plate; "Jew's Harp"; much on the: "Summary of Proceedings in the Third Session of Parliament"; and so much more. News the back is almost a full page of reports headed: "American News". Amon... See More  

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Two nice plates...

Item #629066
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1787  A feature of the issue is the large, foldout plate with a nice print of: "Kenilworth Church" in Warwickshire, England. The other print called for is present as well being a full page of the: "Ancient Encampment at Knaptoft" with related text.

A wealth of varied content throughout with various news reports from England near t... See More  

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The HMS Bounty prepares for its fateful trip... A slave ship burns...

Item #704521

August 28, 1787


* Captain William Bligh prepares for voyage

* HMS Bounty - merchant ship - mutiny fame

* Fateful South Pacific Ocean expedition

The back page has an inconspicuous report noting "The ship which has been engaged by the Admiralty to make a voyage to the Society Islands for the bread-fruit which is to be transported to our West India settlement,... See More  

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From York, England...

Item #700790

August 31, 1787

THE YORK CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 31, 1787  A nice newspaper from the UK with mostly European reports and ads. 

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, full red tax stamp on the front page, good condition.

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With the plate of the Juniata River...

Item #667449
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, August, 1788  This title has the honor of being the first successful American magazine, having begun in September, 1786 and lasting until December, 1792.

Among the various articles are: "A Description of the River Juniatta" "An Account of the Foundation of New Smyrna in Florida & a Remarkable Insurrection in that Settlement" "... See More  

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A report on the Treasury...

Item #677131

August 25, 1788

THE DAILY ADVERTISER, New York, Aug. 25, 1788  All of page 2 is taken up with a report concerning the U.S. Treasury. Page 3 has some news of the day, but most of the issue is taken up with a wealth of advertisements including 11 illustrated ship ads.

Four pages, very nice condition.

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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First action of the new goverment under the Constitution...

Item #121156
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1789  Among the articles are one concerning "...the new grass brought from the banks of the Santee in South Carolina..." with details, and includes 2 illustrations on a full page plate; "Strictures on the Absurd Custom of Dueling" "Proposal for the Prevention of Dueling" and so much more. Near the back is news headed: &qu... See More  

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Founding months of the federal government...

Item #686035

August 04, 1789

THE DAILY ADVERTISER, New York, Aug. 4, 1789  

* From the 1st year of George Washington's presidency

* United States government (Congress) in it's infancy

Great to have this issue from the formative months of the new federal government, and from the city where it all happened.

Page 2 begins with reports from Congress noting the discussions at the time. Then a lengthy report on... See More  

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Early report of a boxing match...

Item #619937

August 28, 1789


* 18th century boxing

Page 3 has an early item on a boxing match, noting: "A boxing match is to be fought...between Bullard and Brighton, two Suffolk men, for 50 pounds a side, in which it is expected many hard blows will be given as they are very powerful men & upwards of six feet high."

Four pages, full red... See More  

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House of Representatives' version of the Bill of Rights...

Item #703196

August 29, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, August 29, 1789 

* U.S. Congress version of the "Bill of Rights"

* United States Constitution - Amendments

* Presidents George Washington & John Adams

This is a very significant issue, as page 2 contains an early version of the historic Bill of Rights.

As a brief history, the Constitution was signed in September 1787 and sent to t... See More  

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On Ben Franklin's will... Northwest coast of America...

Item #638619
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London,  August, 1790  Included is: "Remarks on the Slave Trade Occasioned by Bruce's Travels". Near the back is a brief bit  noting: "The common council at Paris paid to the illustrious Franklyn [Franklin]  tribute of homage, singular in its nature but due from a free & enlightened city to the memory of a man who gave libert... See More  

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Questioning the slave trade...

Item #647305
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, August, 1790 

* The African slave trade question

A wealth of fine content in this 18th century American magazine. Among the articles are an item concerning McGillivrary and his education; some queries to Congress concerning the slave trade, one bit noting: "Whether congress have not full & clear power to prevent any citizen...from being concer... See More  

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Full name: George Washington, in script type...

Item #686107

August 04, 1790

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 4, 1790 

* President George Washington

* Act of Congress script signed

Almost a full column is taken up with an Act of Congress, headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle, this is: "An Act Imposing Duties on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels" which is signed in script type (desired) by the President: George Washington. Rarely is his full name... See More  

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The historic Funding Act of 1790...

Item #699027

August 07, 1790


* United States Funding Act of 1790

* President George Washington signs

* Also John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

 Taking about a full page of text including almost all of page 2 is: "An Act making Provision for the Debt of the United States" which is signed in type by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.

T... See More  

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The historic Funding Act of 1790...

Item #686121

August 16, 1790

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Aug. 16, 1790

* Funding Act of 1790

Taking two-thirds of the front page and half of page 2 is: "An Act making Provision for the Debt of the United States" which is signed in type by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.

This was the very historic Funding Act of 1790 which was passed on August 4, 1790 by the United States Congress t... See More  

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Reviewing the new Constitution... Working on creating the District of Columbia...

Item #685636

* United States Constitution in it's infancy

* Creating Washington D.C. (Federal City)

 The issue begins with a description of the historic State House in Boston. The related plate is lacking. 
An interesting article presents a nice perspective on the U.S. Constitution, at this point just 4 years old: "Dr. Ramsa
... See More  

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Native American's live better than "civilized" man...

Item #686794

August 13, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 13, 1791  The front page has an interesting article: "Parallel - The Civilized Man and The Savage" which speaks favorably for the Native Americans on how they conduct their lives.

Page 3 notes the President's appointment of James Barry as ambassador to Portugal, followed by a report from the Supreme Court.

Four pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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Building lots for sale in the new federal capital...

Item #690283

August 18, 1791


* Washington D.C. land lots for sale

* Early United States government era

The front page has a nice ad concerning the sale of a "Number of Lots in the Federal City." It mentions that the President approved the: "...Sites for the Public Buildings pursuant to the Act passed by Congress ...for establishing ... See More  

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Washington names the new Post Master General... The situation in Pittsburgh...

Item #686796

August 24, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 24, 1791  

* President George Washington

* Timothy Pickering appointed

Page 2 has a report that: "Another expedition to the Indian country is now in operation--it consists of 500 men...". This is followed by a letter from Pittsburgh noting in part: "...since I came to this place not a life has been lost within the reach of our parties. Th... See More  

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Arrest of the King of France...

Item #693192

August 24, 1791

DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, August 24, 1791  The top of page 2 has an article: "Flight & Seizure of the King of France" which begins: "I eagerly seize the opportunity of imparting to you the happy news that the King has been arrested in his flight. The arrest took place at Varennes..." with much more, taking two-thirds of a column.

A page 3 i... See More  

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The Hatteras Shoals...

Item #667734
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1793  (note: the "July" at the top of page 1 is a printer's error) Articles include: "Accounts of Hatteras Shoals" "Concise Character of the Persians" and more.

Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with news reports including much on the French Revolution, plus: "Domestick Occurrences" which i... See More  

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The Hatteras Shoals...

Item #667735
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1793  (note: the "July" at the top of page 1 is a printer's error) Included with this issue is the full page plate called for, titled: "Maria of Moulines" with the first page containing a related article. The plate has a small piece from the left, blank margin, not close to the image.

Articles include: "Accounts of Hatt... See More  

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The Hatteras Shoals...

Item #667737
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1793  (note: the "July" at the top of page 1 is a printer's error) Articles include: "Accounts of Hatteras Shoals" "Concise Character of the Persians" and more.

Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with news reports including much on the French Revolution, plus: "Domestick Occurrences" which i... See More  

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L'Enfant creates Washington, D.C...

Item #564633

August 10, 1793

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 10, 1793  Page 2 has a report noting: "The new city of Washington in America was planned by Mr. L'Enfant, the celebrated engineer. the situation is fine, and in a great degree central; the river Potomack washes three parts of it, and flows by the President's house, at which place it is 35 feet in depth; the length of the city is seven miles..." wi... See More  

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An American magazine from 1795...

Item #683614

August 01, 1795

THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1795  The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles. Among the articles are: "The Test of Virtue" "Advice to Females on the Management of a Lover" "Anecdotes of Ignatius Loyola" "On the Utility of Trees in Cities" "On the Greek Fire" "On the Arabs" and so much mor... See More  

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Concerns about the Jay Treaty...

Item #704626

August 01, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 1, 1795  Over half of the front page is taken up with: "The Objections to the Treaty Refuted", referring to the controversial Jay Treaty. Page 2 has a document which also expresses concerns about the Jay Treaty, carrying over to page 3.

Four pages, scattered foxing, some creases to the back leaf, good condition.

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Washington responds to concerns over the Jay Treaty...

Item #704242

August 19, 1795


* President George Washington

* Concerns over the Jay Treaty

Page 3 has the: "Answer" of the President  to the concerns of the Selectmen of Boston over the controversial Jay Treaty, signed in type: George Washington.

Page 3 also has a report of a: "Negro Insurrection" in North Carolina.

... See More  

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Concerns about the pending Jay Treaty...

Item #697377

August 24, 1795

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 24, 1795  

* John - Jay's Treaty concerns

* Letter to George Washington

Page 2 has a letter from the people of Wilmington, Delaware: "To George Washington, President of the United States" on their concerns about the pending Jay Treaty. This is followed by another letter of similar concern "To Mr. Alexander Hamilton".

Four pag... See More  

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Handsome newspaper from the era...

Item #699084

August 25, 1795

KENTISH GAZETTE, Canterbury, England, Aug. 25, 1795  

* Uncommon 18th century publication

A handsome issue of the 18th century, with two decorative embellishments in the masthead & ornate lettering in the title. Various British news & ads of the day with a partial red tax stamp on page 3.

Four pages, very light damp stains at the top quadrant, nice condition.... See More  

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Washington letter on the Jay Treaty...

Item #668111

August 29, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 29, 1795 

* George Washington letter

* re. John Jay's Treaty

Page 2 has a letter from the President to the New York Chamber of Commerce concerning the controversial Jay Treaty with England, signed in script type: Go. Washington.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Concerns about the pending Jay Treaty, with Washington's response...

Item #697239

August 31, 1795

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 31, 1795 

* John - Jay's Treaty concerns

* George Washington response

Page 2 has a letter from the people of Morris County, N.J. on their concerns about the Jay Treaty. Also a similar letter from the merchants of Phila. to the President followed by: "The President's Answer" signed in type: Geo. Washington.

Four pages, very handsome... See More  

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Sam Adams... Building the frigate United States...

Item #586734

August 03, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, August 3, 1796  The first column on the front page has an Act of the Mass. Legislature signed in type by: Samuel Adams. Page 2 has: "French Victory on the Rhine" concerning Buonaparte. Also: "Intercourse With Canada". Also a brief yet notable report from Philadelphia: "The building of the United States Frigate, now constructing in Southwark... See More  

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Sam Adams... Building the frigate United States...

Item #698984

August 03, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 3, 1796  

* USS United States construction

* Samuel Adams act signed in type

The first column on the front page has an Act of the Mass. Legislature signed in type by: Samuel Adams (stain here affects 4 words). Page 2 has: "French Victory on the Rhine" concerning Buonaparte. Also: "Intercourse With Canada".

Also a brief yet notable r... See More  

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Pinckney's Treaty ratified...

Item #677412

August 06, 1796


* Pinckney's Treaty of San Lorenzo

Taking all of the front page is a detailed report from the province of Lower Canada, concerning trade with the United States.

Among the many notices is one concerning the purchase of land lying in the "Triangle" in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Po... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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Sam Adams... The Western military posts...

Item #665853

August 10, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 10, 1796   The front page has a full column taken up with two Acts of the Mass. legislature, each signed in type by the governor: Samuel Adams.

Page 2 has an article; "The Western Posts Taken Possession of" which is a letter from Capt. James Bruff to the Sec. of War dated at Fort Oswego.

Four pages, some foxing & light damp staining, a bit irre... See More  

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The death of Major John Mills...

Item #677413

August 10, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 10, 1796  Page 2 has a report from Fort Washington of the death of Major John Mills, who during the Revolution fought at the siege of Boston, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Monmouth and the Northwest Indian War. 

Much reporting on the Napoleonic War in Europe.

Four pages, very nice condition.

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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Sam Adams signs an Act of the Mass. Legislature...

Item #665509

August 13, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 13, 1796  The entire first column on the front page is an Act by the Massachusetts Legislature which is signed in type by the governor; Samuel Adams.

Four pages, bit of light damp staining, good condition.

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Critical piece on Thomas Paine and his works...

Item #677414

August 17, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 17, 1796  Page 3 has over half a column taken up with a critical report on Thomas Paine and his works. A few bits include; "Tom Paine treats every subject, government, religion, finance, with equal profoundness and knowledge...with absolute shallowness and ignorance. In his Common Sense (the real merit of which work was that it boldly... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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Full text of Washington's Proclamation regarding Spain...

Item #698028

August 24, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 20 and 24, 1796  

* President George Washington

* Lengthy proclamation signed in script

A pair of issues: beginning on the front page of the Aug. 20 issue, carrying over to pg. 2, and concluding on pages 1 and 2 of the Aug. 24 issue is the complete text of the: "PROCLAMATION"  by the President for putting into effect a treaty with Spain. ... See More  

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A fight between elderly ladies...

Item #677415

August 27, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796  Page 2 has a curious report: "Amorous Fracas!" The report from Ireland begins: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion...having made some noise....we are happy to lay the cats and the consequences before our readers..." which is what follows.

Four pages, a few stra... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!

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A 'boxing match' between women of fashion...

Item #680431

August 27, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796  Page 2 has a curious article headed: "Amorous Fracas!" beginning: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion in the vicinity of Merrion Square..." with the details.

Four pages, very nice, clean condition.

Available Now


The United States is selling land...

Item #687498

August 31, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1796  The front page begins with a nice document from the Secretary of the Treasury, Oliver Wolcott, concerning the sale of: "Lands of the United States" which are located: "...in the territory north-west of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of the Kentucky River..." with more detail.

Page 2 has a letter on the Napoleonic War signed ... See More  

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Item #629185
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1797  A generic issue with no content with writing about. Includes both plates called for.

Complete in 88 pages, full title/contents page with an engraving of St. John's Gate, 5 by 8 inches, nice condition.

This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 1907. ... See More  

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Rare 18th century British title with the original outer wrappers...

Item #709896

August 01, 1798

THE MONTHLY REVIEW ENLARGED, London, August, 1798  This very uncommon title still has the blue/green outer wrappers. These wrappers are worn at the edges  with some loss at the spine (see).

The front wrapper includes the title/index page. Among the articles included are: "Emigration to America Considered" "Wallace's Essay on the Manufactures of Ireland" "Mrs... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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U.S. is building more frigates...

Item #668936

August 03, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 3, 1798  Page 3 has the: "Answer to my Fellow Citizens of the County of Richmond, in Virginia" signed in type: John Adams.

Also a brief report: "At Philadelphia a 44 gun ship is building; at Portsmouth, a 20; at Newburyport, a 22; at Boston (expected) a 32; at Warren, a 20; and at several other ports."

Four pages, ha... See More  

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Two letters signed by President John Adams...

Item #693191

August 04, 1798

THE ORACLE OF THE DAY, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, August 4, 1798  

* President John Adams letters

Page 2 has a letter headed: "The Sublime or Masonry" to the President, John Adams, to which he replied: "To the Free Masons of the state of Maryland" signed in type: John Adams.

Page 2 has another letter: "To the...town of York,...Massachusetts" signed in type... See More  

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Counting the slaves... The infant Navy...

Item #709993

August 08, 1798

(2) COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 15 and 28, 1798  A notable pair of issues. The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2  of the Aug. 15 issue are taken up with: "An Act to provide for the Valuation of Lands & dwelling houses & the Enumeration of Slaves within the United States". It concludes by taking up most of the ftpg. of the Aug. 18 issue where it is signed in sc... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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The Quasi-War with France... Nelson & Buonaparte in Egypt...

Item #700840

August 14, 1798

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 14, 1798  Page 4 has much reporting on the Napoleonic War with Nelson & Napoleon in Egypt. One bit notes: "...mentioning that Admiral Nelson and Buonaparte had met near Alexandria; that the fleets had engaged, and that Admiral Nelson had lost three ships & two frigates..." with much more.

Page 5 has most of a column headed: "Hos... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Rewarding Washington in an Act of Congress...

Item #668940

August 16, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 16, 1798  Page 2 begins with over a column taken up with two acts: "AN ACT for Vesting in George Washington, a Certain Interest in the companies established for Opening & Extending the Navigation of Potomack and James rivers." and the other for amending it.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

Available Now


Washington to again be the commander-in-chief of the Army...

Item #684125

August 18, 1798


* Rare 18th century publication

* George Washington to be Commander again

Nice engraving in the masthead. The news reports are mostly from England but the front page has: "America and France" and the troubling relationship between the two. Also a report that: "...the venerable Washington has accepted the Command... See More  

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A letter from John Jay...

Item #668941

August 22, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 22, 1798  Page 3 has the New York General Assembly's response to Governor John Jay's recent address, followed by his response signed: John Jay. John Jay was previously the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

Available Now


President John Adams writes to the people of Weston, Connecticut...

Item #704763

August 24, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 24, 1798  Page 3 has an address to the President by the inhabitants of Weston, Connecticut, followed by "The President's Answer' signed in type: John Adams.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Signed by President John Adams... Much on the XYZ Affair...

Item #686863

August 25, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 25, 1798  

* The XYZ Affair

* France relations

* John Adams act

Taking all of the front page & part of page 2 is "An Act to Lay & Collect a Direct Tax Within the United States" headed with a nice heraldic eagle engraving & signed in script type: John Adams.

Page 2 has nearly a full column reporting on events concerning the X... See More  

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Launch of the U.S. brig President Adams...

Item #679233

August 07, 1799

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Aug. 7, 1799  Most of the front page is taken up with: "Robespierre--The Detested", the famous name from the French Revolution.

A page 2 item from Pittsburgh has: "A new brig, the property of the United States, called President Adams, was launched on Rouge River, six miles from Detroit...She carries 18 guns & is remarkab... See More  

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Three issues from 1799, nice condition...

Item #689696

August 19, 1799

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Aug. 5, 12, & 19, 1799  Lot of 3 issues each with the back page having a portion of the very lengthy "Act to Regulate Collection of Duties on Imports & Tonnage", each portion headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle.

Each complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margins, good condition.

Available Now


Four issues from 1799, nice condition...

Item #690164

August 19, 1799

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, June 24, July 8, 29 & Sept. 23, 1799  Lot of 4 issues each with the back page having a portion of the very lengthy "Act to Regulate Collection of Duties on Imports & Tonnage", each portion headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle.

Each complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margins, good condition.

Available Now


Three John Adams script signatures on the front page...

Item #684279

August 21, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 21, 1799 

* President John Adams : script signatures on front page

Close to half of the front page is taken up with three Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams. The first concerns: "...regulating the grants of land appropriated for military services, and for the society of the United Brethren for propagating the G... See More  

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An Act for collecting duties...

Item #686168

August 26, 1799

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Aug. 26, 1799  Various news of the day from both America and Europe. Most of the back page is taken up with a portion of a lengthy (and continued): "An Act to Regulate the Collection of Duties on Imports & Tonnage" headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, minor archival mend to the back page, nice condit... See More  

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Listing of the United States Navy...

Item #683823

August 28, 1799

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Aug. 28, 1799  Page 3 has a chart listing: "United States Navy - Vessels In Service" as well as a list of "Vessels Building" listed by name, number of guns, and their commanders. Included are the United States, Constitution, Constellation among the frigates, plus others noted as "Ships" "Brigs" and &q... See More  

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Two Acts of Congress signed by John Adams...

Item #680749

August 31, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1799 

* President John Adams

* Land Acts of Congress

The front page has two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type: John Adams. One is to authorize the sale of: "...certain lands between the Great and Little Miami rivers in the territory of the United States north-west of the Ohio...". Other items include: "Rumors of a N
... See More  

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a letter from Richmond concerning the scourge...

Item #605516

August 16, 1800

WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, Aug. 16, 1800  Page 3 has; "Summary of the Late News" which includes a letter from Richmond concerning the "scourge" which has afflicted the city.

Four pages, 9 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, nice condition.

Available Now


Toussaint L'ouverture... Governor for Life...

Item #682830

August 19, 1801

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Mass., August 19, 1801  An inside page has much regarding St Domingo, including a mention of their soon to be printed Constitution, scattered details, and a mention of Toussaint L'ouverture being declared: "Governor For Life", with additional details (see images).

Additional news of the day with period advertising is found throughout.

Complete in 4 ... See More  

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The Egypt pyramids are studied...

Item #209500
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1802 and is about 55 pages in length. The front page of this issue has a nice masthead of St. John's Gate and contains news & stories from around the world during this very early time in history. VERY INTERESTING READING from the day it was first reported which includes a report from Giza on the Egyptian pyramids. (see) This issue is in nice co... See More  

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DeWitt Clinton in a duel: great account...

Item #666990

August 10, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, Aug. 10, 1802 

* Dewitt Clinton duel w/ John Swartwout

* Great detailed account

Pages  & 7 contain a detailed account of a duel involving DeWitt Clinton, famous politician and principal promoter of the Erie Canal.

The report begins: "A duel was fought, on Saturday se'nnight, on the New-Jersey shore, opposite N... See More  

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News from Europe...

Item #695449

August 17, 1802

COMMERCIAL CHRONICLE, London, England, Aug. 17, 1802  A typical British newspaper of the day with the content almost entirely European.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.

Available Now


Jefferson versus Callender...

Item #666994

August 24, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, August 24, 1802 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* James Callender squabble

Pages 2 and 3 have much interesting content on the on-going feud between Thomas Jefferson and James Callender.

Callender had a reputation as a "scandalmonger", due to the content of some of his reporting, which overshadowed the political content.... See More  

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Debating the Louisiana Purchase...

Item #684526

August 01, 1803

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 1, 1803 

* Louisiana Purchase close

Page 2 has an editorial headed: "Louisiana" in which the writer debates the merits of the Louisiana Purchase. Some interesting commentary.

Four pages, some foxing, archival strengthening at the irregular spine, good condition.... See More  

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President Jefferson issues a Proclamation...

Item #695457

August 01, 1803

THE REPORTER, Brattleborough (Brattleboro), Vermont, Aug. 1, 1803  

* Rare publication

* Windham County

Page 3 contains: "A Proclamation" by the President for convening a special session of Congress, signed in type: Th. Jefferson. This is a volume one issue.

Four pages, 11 by 18 1/2 inches, an archival mend to the back page, good condition.... See More  

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Creating the Whitehead Lighthouse...

Item #616007

August 03, 1803


* Whitehead Light Station established

* St. George, Knox County, Maine

The front page has nearly a full column with considerable detail on building what is now known as the Whitehead Lighthouse in Maine, headed: "Plan of a Light-House and Dwelling House for the Keeper of it, to be erected oat White-Head, Dis... See More  

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A challenge to Napoleon: invade England if you dare...

Item #686117

August 29, 1803

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 29, 1803  The entire front page is taken up with a list of "Wholesale Pricers Current, at Boston". Page 2 has much concerning the situation in Europe with Napoleon Buonaparte including an article: "National Spirit" from London, noting in part: "...Let him come then, this Corsican Consul, if he dare. An island gave him birth--it may be the fate of ... See More  

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On the Hamilton-Burr duel...

Item #704649

August 13, 1804

THE TIMES, London, Aug. 13, 1804  The middle of page 3 has a report: "In the late duel in America, P. P. Vaness was second to the Vice President, and Judge Pendleton to General Hamilton. The duel took place at Hoboken. General Hamilton, after he received the fatal ball, was carried across the ferry to the house of Colonel Beard, where he died. It is said that his son was killed upon the ... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Item #151061

August 29, 1804

MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, dated Aug. 29, 1804. Click on the camera below to see the interesting page 2 article headed: "Counterfeit Bank Notes" with a brief article on this problem in Virginia. An early item and great to have in a period newspaper. Scattered foxing throughout, 4 pages, minimal edge wear, generally good.

Available Now


America's oldest continually published newspaper...

Item #212728

August 14, 1805

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Aug. 14, 1805

* Predecessor of the Hartford Courant, America's oldest newspaper

This is a nice, early issue of America's oldest continually published newspaper, now known as the Hartford Courant, but with this title for most of its history. Over half of the front page is taken up with ads. The inside pages have various news of the day & ads as well... See More  

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Report on Lewis and Clark... A prairie dog?

Item #702419

August 26, 1805

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 26, 1805 

* Lewis and Clark Expedition

* Missouri river exploration

* Discovery of the "Prairie Dog" ?

Page 2 has: "National Acquisition" which includes a report stating: "...We learn that a part of the collection of Curiosities collected by Captain Lewis on the Missouri, has reached Baltimore. Among them are a living animal, called the wi... See More  

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1806 New York Harbor Survey....

Item #212895

August 22, 1806

THE REPERTORY, Boston, Aug. 22, 1806.


* New York Harbor

* Size Survey

Page 2 has a report about a survey of the harbor, bay and narrows of New York with a few details about specific distances and depths. Mentions Signal Hill, Powles Hook, Buttermilk Channel, and Whitehall slip.

Other news of the day. Archival mend to a tear at the bottom of each leaf, and in the upper left corner, ot
... See More  

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Two letters signed by President Thomas Jefferson...

Item #696279

August 12, 1807

THE NATIONAL AEGIS, Worcester, Massachusetts, Aug. 12, 1807 

* President Thomas Jefferson letters

The top of page 2 has: "By the President of the United States of America - A PROCLAMATION" calling for a special session of Congress, signed in type: Th. Jefferson.

And beginning on pg. 2 & ending on page 3 is a letter from the President to the King of Holland, signed in type... See More  

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Much on Lewis & Clark & their exploration to the Pacific...

Item #679743

August 26, 1807

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 26, 1807 

* Lewis and Clark expedition - Pacific

The back page has a very lengthy: "Proposals...For Publishing LEWIS and CLARK'S Tour to the Pacific Ocean, through the Interior of the Continent of North America..." noting the details that will be in "Volume First" as well as "Volume Second". And this is fol... See More  

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William Hogarth print...

Item #538291

August 01, 1808

"After" Hogarth engraving dated August 1, 1808

NOTE: The book or magazine from which this print was removed is unknown. The print is engraved after a work by William Hogarth titled "Industry & Idleness".

William Hogarth was a major English painter, printmaker, pictorial satirist, and editorial cartoonist of the 18th century. His work ranged from excellent realistic

... See More  

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Proclamation by Napoleon...

Item #697857

August 23, 1808

SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 23, 1808  Among the items is a page 2: "Proclamation" signed in type: Napoleon, noting in part: "...We guarantee to the King of Spain the independence and integrity of his States in Europe..." followed by a response "Proclamation" by the King of Spain.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some wear at the margins with some foxi... See More  

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Thomas Jefferson in 1808....

Item #217564

August 30, 1808

THE BALANCE, Hudson, New York, Aug. 30, 1808


* Thomas Jefferson

* USS Chesapeake winning prizes

Page 3 brief commentary: Mr. Jeffersons war against the United States, says a remarker, is carrying on very successfully. The Chesapeake, which has been but a few days on a cruise, has already sent in six or eight prizes. Some other news as well. Quarto-size, 4 pages in nice condit
... See More  

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William Hogarth print...

Item #538289

August 01, 1809

"After" Hogarth engraving dated August 1, 1809

NOTE: The book or magazine from which this print was removed is unknown. The print is engraved after a work by William Hogarth titled "Industry & Idleness".

William Hogarth was a major English painter, printmaker, pictorial satirist, and editorial cartoonist of the 18th century. His work ranged from excellent realistic

... See More  

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Death of Joseph Haydn... Proclamation signed by President James Madison...

Item #692771

August 17, 1809

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 17, 1809 

* Franz Joseph Haydn death

* Classical music composer

* Vienna, Austria

The top of the front page has: "A Proclamation" signed in type: James Madison, and also: "French Piracies" which takes an entire column. On page 2, under the "Deaths" is a small announcement "In Vienna, May 31st, Hayden, [Hadyn] the celebrated musi... See More  

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Death of Haydn...

Item #621567

August 19, 1809

BOSTON PATRIOT, Aug. 19, 1809 

* Franz Joseph Haydn death

* Classical music composer

* Vienna, Austria

Page 2, under the "Died" is a small announcement "At Vienna, May 31st, Hayden, [Hadyn] the celebrated musical composer, aged 76." (see)

Most of the front page is taken up with the continued: "Correspondence of the Late President Adams"

Four pages, sca... See More  

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Secret message of President Jefferson...

Item #693201

August 13, 1810

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Aug. 13, 1810  The front page begins with the report of a secret message, prefaced with: "The following is given to the public as the celebrated secret message of President Jefferson, on the 6th of Dec. 1805, respecting our relations with Spain and France, concerning Louisiana. As one of the important documents of the Jeffersonian period, we have though... See More  

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1811 Samuel Chase Address....

Item #213212

August 03, 1811

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington City, Aug. 3, 1811.


* Samuel Chase Address

* 1811 Original Newspaper

* Complete

The front page has the Address of Samuel Chase, Esq. To his Constitutents, the voters of Anne Arundle county, on the right of Constituents to instruct their Representatives, signed in type: Samuel Chase. Other news of the day with advertisements. Subscribers n
... See More  

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A very early Kentucky newspaper, with Hull's Proclamation to Canadians...

Item #682753

August 01, 1812

THE REPORTER, Lexington, Kentucky, Aug. 1, 1812  

* Rare & early for Kentucky

This is one of the earlier Kentucky newspapers we have offered. Brigham notes that only 4 issues in the United States have this issue.

Not surprisingly there is much reporting on the War of 1812, with reports headed: "Privateering" "Flag of Truce!" and more.

Perhaps the most notable c... See More  

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From the early months of the War of 1812...

Item #677821

August 10, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 10, 1812  The front page has an Act of Congress for issuing Treasury notes, signed in type: James Madison. Also: "British Invasion" "Divide & Conquer" "Florida" "American Prize List" and more.

Four pages, nice condition.

Available Now


War-related reports from Sandusky, Upper Canada...

Item #677822

August 13, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 13, 1812  The ftpg. has an interesting: "Moral & Physical Thermometer". Also two Acts of Congress, one for "...appropriation for the defense of the maritime frontier & for the support of the Navy of the U.S."

Page 2 has several reports from "Sandusky, Upper Canada" relating to the War of 1812 reports.

Four pages, nice... See More  

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Early war reports on the War of 1812...

Item #677823

August 17, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 17, 1812  The front page has a column taken up with 3 Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

Page 2 has a full column of reports on the early battles of the war, beginning with: "The War On Land" which includes several dispatches. Also: "The Savage Allies of England" and "British Accounts". Othe... See More  

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Much from the War of 1812...

Item #674599

August 04, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Aug. 4, 1813  A fine wealth of reporting from the War of 1812 including articles headed: "Cases of Impressment" "Blockading Squadrons" "Still Later" "From Fort George "Official Accounts" "Naval General Order" signed in type: W. Jones; "Secret Proceedings" has a document signed: James Madison; "Gen. Dearborn&... See More  

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British attack upon Plattsburg...

Item #674600

August 07, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Aug. 7, 1813  Much reporting on the War of  1812 with articles headed: "More Cases of Impressment" "British Squadron" "The Enemy's Fleet" "The Brave Major Chapin" about whom several websites can be found; "From Fort George" "Torpedoes Again" "Enemy's Squadron" "British Attack on Plattsburg&... See More  

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Barbarities of the British upon the Americans...

Item #700452

August 14, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 14, 1813 

* War of 1812

* British barbarities

Over 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Barbarities of the Enemy" with some gruesome detail including a listing which has: "Compulsory service of impressed American seamen on board of British ships of war...Massacre and burning of American prisoners surrendered to officers of Great Britain b... See More  

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1813 Jaguar ad...

Item #575855

August 17, 1813

THE AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Connecticut, August 17, 1813 

* Jaguar exhibition ad with woodcut print 

* Nice masthead engraving 


A handsome engraving of a heraldic eagle in the masthead (see) and with various news of the day and several advertisements including a illustrated ad on page 3 titled: "JAGUAR Or The American Tiger"

Complete in 4 pages, vario... See More  

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Bilingual newspaper in French and Dutch...

Item #690148

August 18, 1813


* Rare bilingual publication

* French & Dutch language

A fascinating bilingual newspaper, the left column in French, and the right column with the same content in Dutch. The title translates to: "Leaflet, Announcements & Miscellaneous Notices from Groningen". This is... See More  

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The Indians declare war...

Item #649443

August 21, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1813  Inside has: "Indian Declaration of War" which is a: "...literal translation of  he Declaration of War by the Six Nations Against the British in Canada". Also: Creek Indians" which takes a full page, then: "Events of the War" which takes about 6 pages & includes a letter from the Lower Sandusky, one from... See More  

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Sackett's Harbor & Milledgeville...

Item #614072

August 24, 1813

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington City, Aug. 24, 1813  The front page has: "Latest From Lake Ontario" which has an: "Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Sackett's Harbor..." "Indian News" datelined from Milledgeville; "Report of the Big Warrior to Colonel Hawkins" "Croghan's Gallant Feat - Further Particulars".

Inside has 3 Acts ... See More  

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Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...

Item #647690

August 28, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813  Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of  James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More  

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Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...

Item #649444

August 28, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813  Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of  James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More  

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Reports on the War of 1812...

Item #626252

August 03, 1814

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 3, 1814  Reports on the War of 1812 include: "From Late Canada Papers' "Events of the War" "Lake Fleet" "The Administration Waking Up". Other items as well.

Four pages, good condition.

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On dueling and the War of 1812...

Item #622601

August 20, 1814

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 20, 1814  The front page has an article: "Dueling" concerning the Sec. of War his his efforts: "...in erasing from the roll of the army the names of two duellist officers...". Inside has much on the War of 1812 including: "Splendid Celebration" "Capture of a Dispatch Cutter" "Of Fort Erie" "Much the Latest... See More  

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Reports on the War of 1812...

Item #616597

August 23, 1814

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 23, 1814  The front page has half a column on: "Dueling". Also on the ftpg; "Extract of a Letter from an Officer of Gen. Drummond's Army" dated at Queenstown. Also: "Retaliation". Inside includes: "War In Connecticut" "Canada Papers" "Capture of a Dispatch Cutter" "Enterprize Stage" &quo... See More  

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"Don't give up the Ship!" and more...

Item #695470

August 27, 1814

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, August 27, 1814  A great issue with the memorable rallying cry from the War of 1812 "Don't give up the Ship!" used as a campaign slogan on the front page.

As a bit of history, Captain James Lawrence's famous cry was at the Battle of Lake Erie, eleven months prior. It quickly became the motto of the U.S. Navy, and as we see here was adopted as... See More  

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Many neat front page illustrated advertisements...

Item #680420
NEW YORK EVENING POST, August, 1815  The front page is filled with advertisements, including an illustrated ad for a steam boat,  and at least ten illustrated ship ads.

Four pages, some scattered foxing, generally nice condition.

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A few neat illustrated advertisements from 1815...

Item #711262

* Illustrated advertisements

* Early 19th century original

The front page is filled with advertisements, including illustrated ads for a steam boat and 17 illustrated ship ads. The back page has an ad for a stagecoach and more.

Four pages in good condition..

Available Now


Wellington on the Napoleonic Wars...

Item #596509

August 26, 1815

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 26, 1815 

* Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington

* Napoleonic Wars - Battle of Waterloo

The front page has a report of the launch of the United States' ship Franklin (see photos). Page 2 has a: "Proclamation Of The Duke of Wellington" signed by him in type: Wellington, from just after his victory at Waterloo. It begins: "I announce to the Fr... See More  

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On Wellington and Buonaparte... The Peacock and Hornet...

Item #647620

August 26, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 26, 1815  Page 2 is mostly taken up with: "War Events: Copy of a Letter from Captain Biddle to Commodore Decatur" dated on board the Hornet being his report on the work of the Hornet and the Peacock.

Another page has: "Of The Great Battles" beginning: "The following is given as Wellington's force previous to the attack ... See More  

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Chalybeate water found in 1816....

Item #218044

August 05, 1816

 INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 5, 1816.


* Chalybeate water found at Chappaqua New York

A page 2 report says: A chalybeate spring has been discovered at Chapequa....about three miles from the Hudson River, and 30 above New York....and its waters...containing iron enough to cause a beneficial effect, and not enough to do harm. Other news of the day includes: "Civilization... See More  

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The first "learned society"...

Item #680898

August 15, 1816

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C. August 15, 1816  The second page carries an article "A number of the citizens of the District of Columbia, impressed with the importance of forming an association for the purpose of promoting useful knowledge, met on the 28th day of June, 1816,... agreeably to public notice the committee appointed as aforesaid reported the following draft of a con... See More  

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Details on emigration to the United States......

Item #203742

August 02, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, August 2, 1817  Over half a page is taken up with: "Emigration - Account of Emigrants from Foreign Countries Arriving in the United States..." which includes a chart of the names of the ships, where from, where arrived at, and the number of passengers. Also: "President's Tour" which includes several addresses to him & his resp... See More  

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Baptists in America...

Item #600105

August 16, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, August 16, 1817  Inside has a full page on the life of: "Dupont De Nemours" who had recently died. He was also father of E. I. duPont De Nemours, who would begin a business dynasty in America. The back page has a chart listing the: "Baptists in the United States" by state. Also a chart of the: "Altitudes of Mountains" in the... See More  

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Slave ships arrive at Galveston... A Proclamation by the President...

Item #657925

August 08, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 8, 1818  Page 6 has: "General Jackson's Campaign" which lists the number of: "...The Indians inhabiting the country lying between Georgia & the Mississippi river..." totaling 11,000 warriors. It notes: "This force, if embodied and hostile, would e serious enemy to the United States...".

The bkpg. has: "A P... See More  

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Early Charleston South Carolina....

Item #695422

August 21, 1819

THE SUNDAY VISITANT, OR, WEEKLY REPOSITORY OF CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, Charleston, South Carolina, Aug. 21, 1819  The masthead has a verse from St. Paul: "Prove All Things: Hold Fast That Which Is Good."

As the title would suggest, this is a religious newspaper. Curiously we do not find it listed in Brigham nor Mott. This is a volume 2 issue, the title existing only for the years 1818 ... See More  

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Account of an 1812-1813 expedition from Louisiana through Texas...

Item #683900

August 28, 1819

THE WEEKLY REGISTER (Supplement), Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1819 (note - this does not include the Supplement to the entire volume XVI - vol. 16).

Page 42 begins: "Province of Texas", which includes a "brief history of an expedition in 1812 and 1813, from Louisiana into the Texas" and "The expedition carried on against the government of Spain in the Provine of Texas, which... See More  

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James Monroe...

Item #208600

August 14, 1820

NATIONAL ADVOCATE, N.Y. Aug. 14, 1820 The front page has a land claim notice and a land survey notice, each signed in type: James Monroe. First leaf has a small, narrow hole in unrelated content.

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1820 Cumberland Road Act By James Monroe...

Item #211469

August 15, 1820

NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT & STATE GAZETTE, Concord, Aug. 15, 1820 The front page has: An Act to authorize the appointment of Commissioners to lay out the Road therein mentioned, signed in type: James Monroe re. continuation of the Cumberland Road. Also a report stating that Gov. Cass, of the Michigan Territory, completed a treaty with the Chippewa Indians in which they ceded sixteen squa... See More  

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Missouripolis the capital of Missouri...

Item #610528

August 19, 1820

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 19, 1820  Inside has four pages concerning the: "Missouri Question--Speech of Mr. Darlington, of Penna." The back page has a brief yet interesting item on: "Missouri" which notes: "The constitution was adopted by the convention of the 17th...A place on the Missouri river, near the mouth of the Osage, is fixed upon as the permanen... See More  

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Missouropolis to be the state capital?

Item #648555

August 29, 1820

NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT & STATE GAZETTE, Concord, Aug. 29, 1820  Page 3 has a report on the Constitution of the State of Missouri, beginning: "The important instrument, the Constitution, was finished on the 17th of July, engrossed on parchment the next day, and was to be signed in the afternoon of the same day. Of particular interest is mention that the document was ordered to be print... See More  

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