Robert Smalls leads fellow slaves to freedom... The USS Planter...
President Lincoln repeals General Hunter's order (no. 11), which had emancipated slaves...
Item #712734
May 24, 1862
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, May 24, 1862 Page 2 begins with: "Gen. Hunter Overruled". This concerns the controversial situation where Hunter pronounced slaves free in Florida, Georgia & South Carolina, previous to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln did not rescind Hunter's order because he was against emancipating the slaves. At the time, he simpl... See More
Fantastic headline... Japanese surrender...
Item #711276
August 14, 1945
SUN-GAZETTE SPECIAL, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, August 14, 1945 We have handled many dramatic V-J Day newspapers through the years but few have been as dramatic and displayable as this one.
This "Special Edition", as noted in the upper corners, has a bold, two line head taking the entire top half of the front page proclaiming: "JAPANESE SURRENDER" using type which is 4 ... See More
The Boston Massacre: a fine & detailed account...
Item #711274
March 15, 1770
THE NEW-YORK JOURNAL OR THE GENERAL ADVERTISER, March 15, 1770 The masthead features an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms.
Among the memorable events of history for the American populace, the Boston Massacre would certainly rank near the top. Unfortunately, we have rarely had the opportunity to offer this notable event in an American newspaper.
Page 3 reports a timely & very detailed telli... See More
Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...
Item #704779
June 25, 1870
TRANS-CONTINENTAL, San Francisco, California, June 25, 1870 This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 issues eastbound. Printed on a Gordon press in the baggage car, it is considered the very first newspaper compos... See More
Historic meeting between Lincoln and the delegation of free blacks... His thoughts on Blacks & Whites co-existing...
Item #704770
August 15, 1862
NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, Aug. 15, 1862 The most notable item is on the front page: "The Colonization of People of African Descent" with subheads: "Interview with President Lincoln" "Speech of the President" "He Holds that the White and Black Races Cannot Dwell Together" "He Urges Intelligent Colored Men to Exert Themselves for Colonizatio... See More
Terrific issue on the surrender of Lee at Appomattox...
Item #704765
April 11, 1865
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES, New York, April 11, 1865 Page 2 begins with: "The Crowning Victory" "Victory--Peace" with the leading dispatch reading: "This department has received the official report of the SURRENDER, THIS DAY, OF GEN. LEE AND HIS ARMY TO LIEUT. GENERAL GRANT, on the terms proposed by Grant. Details will be presented as speedily as possible."
This is ... See More
First Corvette rolls off the assembly line... In a Detroit newspaper...
Item #704761
July 01, 1953
DETROIT NEWS, Michigan, July 1, 1953 Page 53 has a two line, two column headline: "Plastic Corvette Begins To Roll" & above this head in smaller type: "Production Line Starts". The report begins: "Chevrolet's first production model Corvette, a sports with a plastic laminated fiber glass body, rolled off the company's Flint assembly line Tuesday..." &... See More
Washington, the Constitution, Amendments, Hamilton's report...
Item #704740
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, (Philadelphia), October, 1789 Included is a lengthy: "...Report of the Secretary of the Treasury..." which takes 4 1/2 pages & signed in type by: Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury. This report is: " obedience to the order of the House of Representatives, of the 17th of September, 1789" concerning the indebtedness o... See More
Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod experiment...
Item #704721
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1752 Inside has an extremely significant article titled: "A Cut and Description of a Machine, easily constructed, for making the Experiment by which Franklin's new Theory of Thunder is demonstrated" with descriptive text showing how this experiment works. Each piece of the illustration is identified as well. A great and early conte
... See More
The Emancipation Proclamation... In a pro-South newspaper...
Item #704713
September 24, 1862
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1862 Given the focus of this controversial newspaper, being supportive of the Southern cause while publishing in the North, it is particularly noteworthy that this issue contains on page five the Emancipation Proclamation whereby President Lincoln would free the slaves on January 1 of the coming year.
The introductory subheads would be of no surprise as... See More
Announcement: The Louisiana Purchase is signed...
Item #704082
July 11, 1803
THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 11, 1803 This newspaper has one of the more decorative mastheads of the era.
Page 2 has a NOTICE, let in larger type than normal, headed: "OFFICIAL" announcing: "The Executive has received official information, that a Treaty was signed on the 30th April, between the Ministers...of the United States and the Ministers...of the Fr
... See More
Page 2 has a NOTICE, let in larger type than normal, headed: "OFFICIAL" announcing: "The Executive has received official information, that a Treaty was signed on the 30th April, between the Ministers...of the United States and the Ministers...of the Fr
Lincoln is still alive at the time this edition went to press...
Item #703867
April 15, 1865
AMERICAN & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, Baltimore, Maryland, April 15, 1865 This is a rare, very early edition of this newspaper where Lincoln was still alive at the time it went to press.
Among the front page column heads are: "A NATIONAL CALAMITY" "President Lincoln Assassinated" "His Murder in Washington" "Particulars of the Sad Occurrence" and "... See More
First state-of-the-union address by George Washington... In American-made clothes...
Item #703726
January 09, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Jan. 9, 1790 A very significant issue, as page 3 contains George Washington's very first state-of-the-union address, taking over a full column and signed by him in type: G. Washington.
His address reflects upon the first year of the Presidency, beginning a tradition of addressing Congress at the conclusion of each year which continues to this day.... See More
Burgoyne surrenders Saratoga to Horatio Gates...
Item #703554
December 11, 1777
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 11, 1777 A page 2 report begins: "The account of the capitulation of General Burgoyne's army was brought to Quebec by some deserters from the Provincials who had entered into the King's service, & whom Gen. Burgoyne, when he found he must surrender, advised to quit his army...". Another page has reports from the Irish House of Commons... See More
Thanks to John Dickinson for his famous "Letters From A Farmer" series...
Item #703498
March 31, 1768
THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, Philadelphia, March 31, 1768 The newspaper was made famous by Ben Franklin, its owner & printer several years previous. His name appeared on the imprint through 1765.
Page 2 has various reports which reference John Dickinson's famous "Letters from a Farmer" series, which appeared in the newspaper, as well as others. A report from Boston includes: ... See More
Criticizing Thomas Paine's writings...
Item #703477
January 23, 1779
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET OR THE GENERAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1779 Two-thirds of the front page and most of page 2 are taken up with an interesting, critical article on Thomas Paine's works. It is headed: "To The Respectable Public of America, On the Veracity of Common Sense" in which the authors points out 20 "falsehoods" on the Paine's works, with th... See More
Last military event on the Eastern Seaboard... Cornwallis on ending the war...
Item #703354
November 01, 1782
THE CONNECTICUT GAZETTE, New London, Nov. 1, 1782 The entire front page is taken up with various correspondences signed by General Alexander Leslie, General Nathaniel Greene, General M. Gist, General Francis [the Swamp Fox] Marion, and others. All these relate to military efforts in the South.
Included is an account of the skirmish at the Combahee River in South Carolina. This was the ... See More
Edmund Burke's conciliatory plan...
Item #703310
May 13, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, May 13, 1775 All of pages 1 and 2 are taken up with continued discussion in the House of Lords: "Authentic Debates on the New-England Fishery Bill". This was one of the notable Restraining Acts that would eventually lead to the Revolutionary War.
Page 3 contains Mr. Burke's nine point conciliatory plan, taking over half the page, an... See More
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702540
January 01, 1767
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1767, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. An early almanac in 24 pages.
Wear at the margins as is typical of almanacs as they were heavily used throughout the year. Remnants of older tape at the spine, 4 by 6 1/2 inches.
Early version of the Articles of Confederation...
Item #702530
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1775 Over three pages are taken up with: "Protest entered in the Upper House Against the Bill for Prohibiting all Commercial intercourse with the Confederated Colonies" which is very good reading in defense of America.
There is terrific & historic reading taking nearly 2 pages on what is an early version of the Articles
... See More
There is terrific & historic reading taking nearly 2 pages on what is an early version of the Articles
The historic Dred Scott Decision, on the front page...
Item #702418
March 07, 1857
NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, March 7, 1857 A very historic issue as the front page begins with: "Important From Washington" "Decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott Case" "The Ordinance of 17878 and the Missouri Compromise Declared Unconstitutional".
This text takes half a column and includes the historic ruling by the Supreme Court, which begins: "The op... See More
First report on the assassination of Lincoln...
Item #701929
April 20, 1865
CHARLESTON COURIER, South Carolina, April 20, 1865 Keep in mind that Charleston fell to Union forces on February 18 and after that date was in Union control. So this is the volume 1, number 47 issue in the "new series" as noted.
Availability of paper must still have been a concern, for as can be seen in the photos the dimensions of the paper are larger than the print area, resulti... See More
Very rare "camp" newspaper from the near beginning of the Civil War...
Item #701669
July 04, 1861
THE NATIONAL GUARD, Camp Pennsylvania, Baltimore, July 4, 1861 A very rare "camp" newspaper from the early months of the Civil War. Although it began in July, 1856 printed at Camp McLellan, Lancaster, Pa., it was resurrected in early 1861 at its new location, hence the "vol. 2 no. 3" noted in the masthead, just the third issue at the new location.
Typical of camp newspap... See More
Terrific issue on the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #701667
July 22, 1861
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, July 22, 1861 This is one of the more displayable issues we have found in recent years on the Battle of Bull Run.
The prime feature is a large map headed: "Position Of The Union And Rebel Armies On the Morning of July 21st, before the Victory at Bull's Run, Recorded in our News Columns." The map shows the position of the Union and rebel troops, being... See More
Maryland's non-importation resolution...
Item #701324
July 03, 1769
PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, July 3, 1769 The front page includes an illustration relating to a new kind if water-powered mill. Page 3 has an interesting report of: "A bill for a charitable lottery for the relief of distressed Virgins in Great Britain" which begins: "Whereas, by the great & melancholy disuse of holy matrimony in the king... See More
British soldiers are deserting to Washington's camp...
Item #701135
January 29, 1778
THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Jan. 29, 1778 A nice issue for display, as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words 'Appeal To Heaven" above him.&nb... See More
A newspaper created to support the cause of the famed escaped slave, George Latimer...
Item #695437
November 23, 1842
THE LATIMER JOURNAL, AND NORTH STAR, Boston, November 23, 1842 Although we have encountered many themed newspapers whether focused on sports, anti-slavery, literature, entertainment, presidential campaigns, and many other themes, this may be the first title we've encountered focused on a single cause.
As a bit of background, George Latimer was an escaped enslaved person whose case ... See More
The famous Dewey Defeats Truman issue...
Item #694672
November 03, 1948
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, Nov. 3, 1948 See the photos for what is arguably the most recognizable headline of the 20th century: "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN".
Even those not remotely knowledgeable about historic newspapers are familiar with this headline as it appeared in countless history books, historical reviews of the 20th century, and presidential campaign and election reports.
... See More
Even those not remotely knowledgeable about historic newspapers are familiar with this headline as it appeared in countless history books, historical reviews of the 20th century, and presidential campaign and election reports.
Broadside 'Extra' predicts the re-election of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #681907
November 08, 1864
SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN -- EXTRA, Mass., Nov. 8, 1864 A wonderful broadside Extra (printed on one side only) with the first two column containing various election reports.
The first notes: "Victory Coming!" with the text noting in part: "The returns are all one way. The majorities for Lincoln in Mass. are altogether beyond expectation or president. Doubtful cities ... See More
Rare map of Captain Cook's voyage... Map of the eastern hemisphere...
Item #677980
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1776 The first article has five pages on: "Debates in the Present Parliament" which includes much on the situation in America.This issue includes a lengthy article (3+ pages) on Captain Cook and the: "Resolution's Voyage on Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere". Accompanying this article is a rare full page map titled: "... See More
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