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Terrific front page print of John Heenan, the famed boxer...

Item #698262

June 02, 1860

WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, June 2, 1860 

* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers

* Famous boxing match

A terrific issue on the famed boxer John Heenan, as the entire front page is taken up with a print of him captioned: "John C. Heenan, The Champion of the World".

The print was taken from a photo of him of May 3, 1860 in England, shortly after his famous match betwee... See More  

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Just before the Civil War... Heenan, the famed boxer...

Item #690532

June 02, 1860

LYNCHBURG DAILY VIRGINIAN, Virginia, June 2, 1860 

* Rare antebellum publication

This Southern newspaper was published less than a year before the outbreak of the Civil War. The front page has: "Threatened Mob Law in Missouri" and a wealth of other news items throughout the 4 pages.

The front page also has a length letter headed: "The Championship - The 'Benecia Boy&... See More  

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The slave ship...

Item #683378

June 02, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 2, 1860 

* Likely the most sought after slave ship print

* Much text re: slave ships
- black americana interest

The prime print in this issue is the three-quarter page illustration captioned: "The Slave Deck on the Bark 'Wildfire' Brought Into Key West on April 30, 1860." This print shows a huge number of slaves crammed on the deck.... See More  

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The slave ship...

Item #172368

June 02, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 2, 1860  The prime print in this issue is the three-quarter page illustration captioned: "The Slave Deck on the Bark 'Wildfire' Brought Into Key West on April 30, 1860." This print shows a huge number of slaves crammed on the deck. The balance of the page is related text on this slave ship, plus the facing page has additional text and 4 re... See More  

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