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From the Territory of Wisconsin...
Item #695765
January 27, 1846
WISCONSIN ARGUS, Madison, Jan. 27, 1846 This is actually a territorial newspaper as Wisconsin did not join the Union until May, 1848. This may be the first territorial Wisconsin newspaper we have offered. This title would only exist for 8 years.
Typical news and political reporting of the day with a wealth of ads.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, minor wear at folds and margins, ... See More
Santa Anna has resigned?
Item #691658
June 19, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 19, 1847 Page 2 has the: "Spirit of The Free Press" which includes various editorials from other newspapers, most concerning the war with Mexico.
Page 2 has most of a column taken up with: "Official--Resignation Of Santa Anna" which is a lengthy letter by him explaining his reasons for resigning as President of Mexico,... See More
Very early, rare print of the Sand Key lighthouse, Florida...
Item #690061
December 03, 1859
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Dec. 3, 1859
* Early Sand Key Lighthouse illustration
The front page has a print of: "Hon. John F. Potter, of Wisconsin" with an article on him.
Among the other prints are: "Plan of the Improvements to Be Made in the Boston Public Garden" with the back page having a very early print of a landmark in Florida: "The Sand Key Light... See More
The defeat of Black Hawk,...
Item #688182
August 11, 1832
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 11, 1832
* Battle of Wisconsin Heights
* Defeat of Black Hawk
* General Henry Dodge victory
The front page has a report: "Defeat of Black Hawk" which is prefaced with a note: "...received from Fort Howard which announce the gratifying intelligence of the defeat of Black Hawk & his warriors...". What follows is a ... See More
On the Jews at Jerusalem... President Pierce on the sale of Wisconsin land...
Item #687867
June 23, 1853
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 23, 1853 Among the reports inside are: "The Jews" which is a letter from Jerusalem; nearly a full column: "By the President of the United States" concerning the sale of land at Willow River in Wisconsin, signed in type: Franklin Pierce. Also: "Colored Seamen At Charleston".
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
President Polk sells land rich in lead ore...
Item #655873
January 08, 1847
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 1847 The ftpg. contains three documents "By the President of the United States" and each signed in type: James K. Polk. The lengthiest is for the sale of land in Illinois, Arkansas & territories of Wisconsin & Iowa "... supposed to contain lead ore...". The other two are similar.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
Sale of mineral lands in the Midwest... Mexican War...
Item #643792
February 19, 1847
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Feb. 19, 1847
* Western expansion
* Mexican War
The top of the ftpg. has a document: "By the President of the United States" concerning the sale of land in the Iowa Territory, plus another very similar for the sale of land in Arkansas, and yet another for the sale of land in Wisconsin (see).
Pg. 3 has various items concerning the Mexican W... See More
From California... Indian treaty sales millions of acreage...
Item #587282
November 04, 1848
NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, November 4, 1848 The back page is an article "From California - Counter Revolution at Mazatlan" which mentions the increase of excitement of the gold rush. Also within the article is the counter-revolution at Mazatlan and the escape of the rebellion leader.
Another article is "Important Indian Treaty - Four Millions of Acres Acquired" whic... See More
MartinVan Buren signature...
Item #554943
March 24, 1840
THE GLOBE, from Washington DC, dated March 24, 1840
* Martin Van Buren notice
* Early Western lands
The front page has notices concerning the sale of public lands in Missouri, Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, & two for Iowa, each signed in type: M. Van. Buren.
Other news of the day throughout with many interesting advertisements. Some light foxing, otherwise in very nice condition.... See More
Very early Wisconsin... from Milwaukie...
Item #201630
MILWAUKIE DAILY SENTINEL, 1845 Has all ads on the front and back pages, with bit of news, ads and other content on pgs. 2 and 3. A volume 2 issue of this early title from "Milwaukie", three years before Wisconsin became a state! Dampstaining in much of the lower half affecting each leaf, plus a few stains here as well, the text however, is still quite readable. The photo shown is &q... See More
Trial of Daniel Sickles...
Item #172248
April 09, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 9, 1859 The front
page features a cameo of 'The Hon. Daniel E. Sickles' with a lengthy accompanying article entitled "Biographical Sketch of Hon. D. E. Sickles". Two illustrations of: 'The Wreck of the Dromahair' 'Destruction of St. Peter's College, Troy, N.Y., by a Landslide' 'Landing of the Neapolitan Exiles at... See More
Women's rights convention of 1859...
Item #172266
June 11, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1859 The front page shows: 'The Talking Fish' and 'The Fighting Tiger of King of Oude'. A full page illustration of 'Ye May Session of Ye Woman's Rights Convention' [Mozart Hall in New York City]. Several illustrations regarding the war in Europe. Text and 3 illustrations on 'The Floating Hospital in the Lower Bay' [... See More
On John Brown's invasion of Harper's Ferry...
Item #172312
November 19, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 19, 1859 The full front page shows 3 illustrations of: 'Effect of John Brown's Invasion At The South', one being: 'A Southern Planter Arming His Slaves to Resist Invasion' and the other two showing Blacks as well. A half page illustration is entitled 'Chatham Street, N.Y., on Sunday'. A third-page illustration features the&q... See More
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