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The Articles of Confederation...
Item #703335
April 29, 1778
THE NEW JERSEY GAZETTE, Trenton, April 29, 1778
* The Articles of Confederation (historic)
* American Revolutionary War
This was the very first newspaper in New Jersey, having begun in December, 1777. This is issue number 22.
There are only a handful of documents in American history which can be considered cornerstones in the creation of our national government, which would include ... See More
A very rare American newspaper that existed for just seven issues...
Item #703276
June 25, 1776
THE AMERICAN GAZETTE; OR THE CONSTITUTIONAL JOURNAL, Salem, Massachusetts, June 25, 1776 This is the volume one, number two issue of a very rare newspaper. Its rarity would seem to be sufficient for its desirability, as it existed for only seven weekly issues, from June 18 thru July 30, 1776.
But the content is nice as well, particularly given that this issue was printed just 9 d... See More
Terrific discussions on the value of independence from England... Confirmation Howe has evacuated Boston...
Item #687419
March 30, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, March 30, 1776
* Rare Revolutionary War era title
* Tory issue from Pennsylvania
* Great year to have (1776)
This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.
The entire front page and a portion of the back page are filled with a terri... See More
The Declaration of Independence...
Item #687396
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, London, England, August, 1776 * Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text
* As reported from Great Britain
It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find issues containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing... See More
General Clinton's letter on the Loyalists...
Item #681060
April 27, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, April 27, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 3 has reports under the heading: "America" including: "...that the army under the Count de Rochambeau have leveled their works, and quitted their posts at York-Town, Virginia. Also a letter sent too Gov. Franklin, President of the Board of Directors of A... See More
The very historic Duche letter to General Washington... Battle of the Kegs...
Item #680789
February 19, 1778
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Feb. 19, 1778
* Jacob Duché - 1st chaplain to the Continental Congress
* Famous letter to General George Washington
* American Revolutionary War
A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken after (modeled from) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence&... See More
The Declaration of Independence...
Item #677985
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1776 * Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text
* As reported from Great Britain
It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find an issue containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing o... See More
Washington at Morristown... Action in the South...
Item #657753
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1780 The first article has "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" which includes discussion of the situation in America.Near the back the "Historical Chronicle" has several items from America concerning the Revolutionary War, including a letter from New York which has: "...since Gen. Clinton's departure fr... See More
Apprehending those guilty of high treason in America...
Item #596747
February 12, 1777
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Feb. 12, 1777
* Revolutionary War
The front page has half a column taken up with: "An Account of the Spanish Settlements in South America", continued in a future issue. Page 2 has some talk in the House of Lords concerning a bill: "...to enable his Majesty to apprehend & secure all persons guilty of or suspected to be guilty of hi... See More
How Virginia dealt with patriots & traitors...
Item #592255
August 20, 1779
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 20, 1779 Page 3 under "America" has a report from the Committee of the House of Delegates in Virginia, which includes: "...those inhabitants of this state who were beyond sea at the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, & have not since by overt acts adhered to the public enemy, ought still to be deemed citizens of this commonwe... See More
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