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A title rarely offered...
Item #706403
May 13, 1732
* Rare 18th century publication
An early and uncommon title from England. Although the news is mostly European there are two bits from America: "Col. Phipps, a native of, and resident in New England, is appointed Lieutenant Governor of the province of the Massachusetts Bay..." with the decease of Jonathan Belcher. A... See More
Two accounts of Bunker Hill, Washington becomes commander-in-chief, so much more. In a Virginia newspaper...
Item #705357
July 14, 1775
VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg, July 14, 1775
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War. A very rare opportunity for a scarce title from colonial Virginia.
When it comes to the military events of the Revolutionary War, I'm not s... See More
The Queen creates a formal postal system between England & the American colonies...
Item #704168
August 29, 1710
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 29, 1710
* Establishment of post offices in American colonies
* Anne, Queen of Great Britain
The back page contains considerable detail on what is likely a very significant event in the creation of a formal postal system between England and the American colonies.
The report includes: "Whereas Her Majesty has been pleased to direct, that a month... See More
The (1775) Restraining bill, and reaction to it...
Item #701076
May 17, 1775
* Retraining Acts of 1775
* Colonial trade restrictions
* American Revolutionary War
The entire front page and part of page 2 are taken up with: "Lord Camden's Speech on the New England Fishery Bill".
Page 2 has a report headed: "Provisions in the Restraining Bill for the Provinces of New Jersey, Pennsylva... See More
Battle of Fort DuQuesne...
Item #700465
November 07, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 7, 1758
* Battle of Fort DuQuesne
* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
* French and Indian War
Over one-third of the front page has a very nice account of the historic Battle of Fort DuQuesne, site of present-day Pittsburgh, which includes: "A List of Officers and Soldiers Missing from the Action near fort Du Quesne, Sept. 14, 1758". George Washing... See More
Early report on the slave trade in America...
Item #699115
September 05, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 5, 1765 Pages 1 and 2 have reports headed: "America" with Charleston datelines. The first report is quite notable, as it is a very early reference to the importation of slaves.
It reads: "The value of the negroes imported into this province since the passing of the act for laying an additional duty, to take place the 1st of January nest, i... See More
Election of Patrick Henry sets the stage for his famous speech... So much more...
Item #699033
March 17, 1775
THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE (with Supplement), Williamsburg, Mar. 17, 1775
* Very rare Colonial Virginia publication
* Election of Patrick Henry
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.
The entire front page is a terrific letter: "T... See More
British Jew Bill... Engraving of a church in Charleston...
Item #698972
* Early Charleston SC church print
* The British Jew Bill - Judaica
This issue contains a great full page print of: "St. Philip's Church in Charles Town, South Carolina" with just a small bit of text on it on the facing page reading: "The church is esteemed one of the most regular & complete structures of
... See More
* Early Charleston SC church print
* The British Jew Bill - Judaica
This issue contains a great full page print of: "St. Philip's Church in Charles Town, South Carolina" with just a small bit of text on it on the facing page reading: "The church is esteemed one of the most regular & complete structures of
The Gunpowder Incident: in a Williamsburg newspaper... And so much more!
Item #698138
April 28, 1775
THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg (with Supplement), April 28, 1775
* Very rare Colonial Virginia title
* Gunpowder Incident - Affair
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.
This issue was printed 9 days after the battle of Lex... See More
Death of King James II...
Item #698026
September 11, 1701
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 11, 1701
* King James II of England death
The back page has an historic report of the death of King James II, the last Catholic monarch of England who was deposed during the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and spend the remainder of his life in exile in France.
The report from Paris dated Sept. 17 reads: "The late King fell into a lethargy on the 1... See More
Great that New Orleans is in the hands of the Spanish & not the French... Female convicts now being sent to Florida...
Item #694229
February 12, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 12, 1765
* Early New Orleans (New Spain)
* Under Spanish not French rule
* Female convicts sent to Florida
Page 2 has a report noting: "...informed the intended cession of New Orleans to the Spaniards was made known to the British Ministry, by order of the court of Madrid...as a Spanish settlement in these parts, and a total removal of our an... See More
Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...
Item #694150
March 13, 1755
THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755
* Very rare & early American publication
A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.
Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More
George Washington at age 22... Great map of America...
Item #694072
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1754
* Great American colonies mid-18th century map
* Future general & president George Washington
Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
... See More
* Great American colonies mid-18th century map
* Future general & president George Washington
Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
References to the Jacobite Rebellion...
Item #693183
November 12, 1746
THE DAILY GAZETTEER OR, LONDON ADVERTISER, November 12, 1746 In the masthead is printed: "A Vigorous War; Or, Glorious Peace".
The front page has a detailed article: "Considerations on Convoys for the Trade of Portugal, the Straights, Africa, the West-Indies, Virginia and other of the Northern Colonies." A brief front page item references the Jacobite Rebellion with: &qu... See More
A patriotic plea, and much more...
Item #692922
March 01, 1768
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 1, 1768 Page 2 has a report headed "America" noting: "Letters from Pensacola's...say 'The island & city of New Orleans are still to all appearance under no particular government. The French and Spaniards seem to share it...' " and a bit more. Also on page 2 is a report from New York with sundry items.
Page 6 has a repo... See More
A "call to arms" for Londoners in support of America
Item #692362
September 27, 1775
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Sept. 27, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
The front page has some reports on the actions of Major Rogers in Maryland & Virginia. Also mention of work of the Virginia Provincial Convention. Plus a report of a soldier: "...who\ is on his parole in Gen. Wooster's camp. This person having been observed to follow at a distance, a load of po... See More
Edmond Andros off to America to be governor...
Item #689379
October 25, 1686
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 25, 1686
* Sir Edmund Andros sets sail
* Dominion of New England governor
The back page has a quite rare & notable mention of one of the more famous governors of colonial America, Edmond Andros.
The report, from Deale, England, mentions: "Yesterday sailed out of the Downes the Kings-Fisher, having on board Sir Edmond Andros, His Majesties Go... See More
One of the more rare Revolutionary War titles... Battle of Bunker Hill... Patrick Henry... so much more...
Item #687318
October 06, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill
* Revolutionary War
* Very rare publication
Certainly one of the more scarce titles from during the Revolutionary War. This is the volume 1 number 27 issue of a newspaper that existed only from April 7 to December 22, 1775, publishing a total of just 38 i... See More
On the Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington named commander-in-chief.. So much more....
Item #687295
July 05, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown
* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts
* George Washington named commander
* American Revolutionary War
* Terrific issue w/ many reports
Nice engraving in the masthead of a post boy on horseback.
The front page has a letter from an officer in General Gage's regiment heading for ... See More
Nice item on Sir Christopher Wren...
Item #682413
September 08, 1716
THE POST BOY, Sept. 8, 1716
* British architect Christopher Wren
* Rare publication w/ nice masthead
Near the top of the back page is a very significant item on the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren.
The report reads: "Christopher Wren, Esq., is removed from being Clerk of his Majesty's Works, and is succeeded by John Mercer Esq., formerly belonging to Mr. How's Offi... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #681728
November 16, 1774
THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774 If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More
Benjamin Franklin receives an award...
Item #681445
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1753 Near the back is a small & inconspicuous item reading: "At the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society the prize medal of gold was voted to Ben Franklyn, Esq. of Maryland, for his electrical discoveries." Note that not only did they spell his name wrong but they have his home colony wrong.
At the back is the &q... See More
British Jew Bill... Louisiana explored... Carolina bird plate...
Item #676497
* Jewish Naturalization Act
(excludes plate of St. Philip's Church in Charleston) Among the articles is: "The Bill Permitting the Jews to be Naturalized by Parliament..." which was a significant event in Judaica history and takes over a full page of text.
* Jewish Naturalization Act
(excludes plate of St. Philip's Church in Charleston) Among the articles is: "The Bill Permitting the Jews to be Naturalized by Parliament..." which was a significant event in Judaica history and takes over a full page of text.
There is also a full page taken up with text and
... See More
A "seditious" paper arouses anger in New York... Ancient Temple at Winterborn Abbey...
Item #657796
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1768 Among the items in this issue are: "Ancient Temple at Winterborn Abbey" which includes an illustration; "On the Different Positions of the Great Occipital Aperture in man and Diverse Animals"; and much more. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news reports of the day & which inclu... See More
New York, Williamsburg, and Boston reports...
Mount Vesuvius erupts...
Item #649332
February 16, 1768
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, February 16, 1768 As inside report, "An account of the Great Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the 10th of October, 1767...", which provides considerable details of the great eruption of 1768. Other articles include reports from New York, Williamsburg, Virginia, and Boston (see images).
Complete in 8 pages, 9 by 12 inches, only minor rubbing, nice condition.... See More
The death of Prince Edward, Duke of York...
Item #646266
September 29, 1767
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, September 29, 1767
* The death of Prince Edward, Duke of York & Albany
The front page has an order for a day of "General Mourning for his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany." Other items on the front page provide how this day of mourning is to be carried out. Prince Edward is the namesake of Prince Edward County, Virgi... See More
The French & Indian War...
Item #645529
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1755 Among the articles within are: "A Succinct Account of Disorders lately cured at Stockholm by Electrification..." "Origin of Chivalry from Voltaire" "A Female Impostor in France Detected" and so much more.Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news reports of the day including... See More
Trouble with the Indians in America...
Item #642793
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1763 The issue begins with: "Two Proposals for Establishing a Lasting Peace & Friendship with the Indians in North America" which takes over 1 1/2 pages.Other articles include: "Account of the Discovery & Conquest of Siberia"; a letter: "To Peter Collinson, Esq., from the Rev. Jared Eliot at Killingsworth in ... See More
News from America...
Item #601642
September 10, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 10, 1765 Page 7 has a: "...Letter from a Person of the First Distinction in Virginia to his Friend in London", and the back page has some reports from America as well.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, minor foxing at the margins, generally nice.
Critical of Boston failing to honor the Non-imporatation Agreement...
Item #596510
September 22, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 22, 1770
* Non-importation agreement
The top of page 3 has an item headed: "Intelligence True & Extraordinary" which is a critical report on the Bostonians failing to hold to the non-importation agreement, noting: "There are now lying on the tales of New York Philadelphia, Virginia, Carolina...pamphlets containing an authentic lis... See More
On the Boston Port Bill and more...
Item #568728
June 21, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 21, 1774 An inside page has over a full column beginning: On perusing in your paper of May 31, an extract from a pamphlet, entitled Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in America, some reflections occurred to me on that Authors reasoning, which I would wish to communicate to the public through your paper and it i... See More
Creating the Committee of Correspondence...
Item #568278
July 13, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 13, 1773 An inside page has over half a column headed "America" with news reports from New York and Newport, Rhode Island, the former noting: "...from Surinam...who informs us that the disturbances with the Negroes at that settlement were settled by a smart engagement in which many of them were killed..." and also: "...letters from... See More
Virginia awaits Parliament's response on taxation...
Item #215539
June 08, 1770
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 8, 1770 An inside page has a letter from Virginia which includes: "The colonies wait silently for the determination of parliament concerning the revenue act. They have done all in their power to prohibit or retard the sale of British commodities but a view of our imports will show how ineffectual their efforts have been & how useless &
... See More
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