Marysville: great issue on the Modoc Indian War...
Item #712309
April 30, 1872
MARYSVILLE DAILY APPEAL, California, April 30, 1873 In the days of the California Gold Rush, Marysville was a stopping point for riverboats from Sacramento and San Francisco that carried miners on their way to the digging grounds. A sign on the roadside as one enters Marysville carries the slogan: "Gateway to The Gold Fields."
At that time it was one of the largest cities in Calif... See More
The Modoc Indian War of 1873...
Item #712036
June 07, 1873
DAILY MORNING CALL, San Francisco, California, June 7, 1873
* Dixon Bridge Disaster - Illinois
* Modoc War - Lava Beds
* Captain Jack fame
The top of the ftpg. has: "THE MODOC WAR" "Details of General Davis's Campaign" "Further Particulars of the Capture of Captain Jack " and more. (see images)
Four pages, never bound, large folio size, good conditi... See More
1873 Polaris expedition to North Pole..
Item #711968
September 11, 1873
NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 11, 1873
* Polaris expedition to North Pole (hardships)
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "THE POLARIS" with many subheads. (see images) Lengthy text continues on page 6 with large map headed: "THE NORTH POLAR REGIONS; Map Showing the Explorations for an Open Polar Sea and the Scenes of the Search for the Polaris crew by the Tigress and Juniat... See More
Early Billiards championship in 1878...
Item #711959
December 28, 1878
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, Dec, 28, 1878
* Early billiards - pool
* William Sexton vs. George Slosson
The top of the back page has a one column heading: "SEXTON STILL CHAMPIONS" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, generally nice. Should be handled with care.
Pre Civil War baseball games w/ box scores...
Item #711754
August 28, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 28, 1860
* Pre Civil War baseball games w/ box scores
Page 5 under "Baseball" are lengthy reports of two games with box scores about 7 months prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. (see images)
Complete with 8 pages, a little spine wear, generally in nice condition.
Edgar Allan Poe Parents Theatre Ad In 1806...
Item #711740
October 27, 1806
BOSTON GAZETTE, Oct. 27, 1806
* Edgar Allan Poe's father & mother theater ads
* Richard The Third and Rival Soldiers plays
* Eliza Arnold Hopkins Poe & David Poe Jr.
The top of page 3 under "Boston Theatre" is a notice for the performances of "RICHARD THE THIRD", with Mr. Poe as "Tressel" and "RIVAL SOLDIERS" with Mr. Poe as "L... See More
Treaty with Winnebago Indians... Piracies...
Item #711619
October 20, 1832
NILES' REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 20, 1832 This issue contains a report entitled: "Peace With The Indians" which takes about 3 column inches, and reports on a treaty with the Winnebago Indians.
A small report on "Piracies" and other items include: "The Cherokees" and "The Seminole War".
Sixteen pages 6 1/4 by 9 1/2 inches, very good condition.
... See More
1833 Milton, Pennsylvania...
Item #711573
October 19, 1833
THE MILTONIAN, Pennsylvania, Oct. 19, 1833
* Northumberland County
* Susquehanna Valley - River
* 28 years prior to Civil War
A uncommon issue from this Pennsylvania town in the Susquehanna Valley prior to the outbreak of the American Civil War.
Four pages, some margin wear, large damp stain, small hole on the first leaf, still a uncommon issue as such.... See More
1870 Cincinnati Red Stockings baseball....
Item #711568
June 17, 1870
NEW YORK HERALD, June 17, 1870
* Cincinnati Red (reds) Stockings
* Early baseball w/ box scores
Page 5 has a brief article headed: "The National Game" with subhead and box scores. (see) The Redstockings ended there 81 game winning streak just 2 days prior.
Complete with 12 pages, a little irregular long the spine, generally in good condition.
... See More
Victory over the Creek Indians... Battle of Lake Erie...
Item #711558
December 25, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 25, 1813 The issue begins with: "The Embargo Law" which takes 3 pages. Also inside: "Female Heroism". Seven pages are taken up with: "Events of the War" which has a great wealth of content on the War of 1812. Among the reports & subheads here are: "Military--Wilkinson's Army" "The Southern Indians&... See More
Much reporting on the War of 1812...
Item #711555
December 04, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1813 Among the reports are: "The War-Tax Laws" "Captain Jesse D. Elliot" "Governor Shelby" "Vermont Militia" with a section headed: "Events of the War" taking over 6 pages & including subheads: "Military--The Northern Armies" "Official Correspondence--From Gen. Wilkinson to the Secret... See More
Civil Rights Bill in 1874...
Item #711331
August 17, 1874
* re. Civil Rights Act of 1875 (Enforcement Act)
* Reconstruction era - Blacks
Here is a uncommon publication from the capital of the Confederacy just a decade earlier. This issue measures 25 x 18 inches.
The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "The Civil Rights Bill" (see images)
Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.... See More
From Nebraska...
Item #711293
January 24, 1883
THE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS, Nebraska, Jan. 24, 1883
* Home of the Cornhuskers
We seldom encounter Nebraska newspapers from during the Wild West era, but here is one. Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska and this issue is dated from just 16 years after statehood.
Gregory's 'Union List of American Newspapers' notes that the only institution holding any issues of this title is the... See More
Sam Houston's 'call to arms' against Mexico...
Item #711271
April 02, 1842
NILES'S NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 2, 1842
* Samuel Houston call to arms - Texas citizens
* Post Texas Revolution - Pre Mexican-American War
Inside has: "President Houston's Proclamation to the Citizens of Texas" which begins: "My Countrymen: Rumours have been brought from the southwestern frontier of invasion...The facts are sufficient to justify immed... See More
1861 Davenport, Iowa... Civil War era...
Item #711264
September 19, 1861
DAVENPORT DAILY GAZETTE, Iowa, September 19, 1861
* Rare title from the Civil War
* Shepherdstown, West Virginia
This rare title from the Midwestern United States has some Civil War reporting and several interesting advertisements of the day.
This issue measures 25 x 18 inches, not fragile as newsprint from this era was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to remain very pliable an... See More
A few neat illustrated advertisements from 1815...
Item #711262
NEW YORK EVENING POST, Aug. 21, 1815 * Illustrated advertisements
* Early 19th century original
The front page is filled with advertisements, including illustrated ads for a steam boat and 17 illustrated ship ads. The back page has an ad for a stagecoach and more.
Four pages in good condition..
Molly Maguires ?...
Item #711260
April 05, 1875
BETHLEHEM DAILY TIMES, Pennsylvania, April 5, 1875
* Molly Maguires
* Miners - railroad
* Gov. John F. Hartranft
* Pennsylvania
Page 3 has an article with small heading: "The Troubles in the Coal Regions" (see images) Nice to have in a Pennsylvania title.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, nice condition.... See More
1808 Theatrical ad includes Edgar Allan Poe's father...
Item #710963
December 26, 1808
BOSTON GAZETTE, Dec. 26, 1808
* Edgar Allan Poe's father theater ad (2)
A curious literary item here as the top of page 3 has an advertisement for the "Boston Theatre" with the performance of: "BATTLE OF HEHAM", a theatrical performance, with one of the principal characters being "Mr. Poe" as "Montague".
And another play titled: "THE PILGRIMS... See More
Nice report on the Bill Cook gang...
Item #710871
October 24, 1894
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, Oct. 24, 1894
* Bill Cook Gang
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "DESPERADOES IN CONTROL" with subheads. (see images) Coverage on the infamous Bill Cook Gang.
Eight pages, partially loose and some wear at the spine, light toning, somewhat fragile & should be handled carefully.... See More
An early 1873 wine country newspaper...
Item #710865
October 15, 1873
THE NAPA REGISTER, Napa City, California, Oct. 15, 1873
* Rare old West publication
* From the wine country
Although in the heart of the wine region, for which this city is famous today, its beginnings were centered more on the California Gold Rush of 1849. This city became a refuge for miners during the first severe winter of mining & later became an important center for lu... See More
Letters by Dolly Madison... The new silver dollar...
Item #710852
December 17, 1836
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1836 The front page has a nice descriptive article on the new seated liberty silver dollar by Gobrecht, which will: "...soon make its appearance. The face of the coin represents a full length figure of Liberty seated on a rock with the classic emblem of the pileus or liberty cap surmounting a spear held in the left hand..." with ... See More
Dorr guilty of treason?...
Item #710839
June 25, 1842
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 25, 1842 Page 3 ha a report which is a follow-up to the Dorr Rebellion, noting in part: "...his charge to the grand jury alluded to the recent events in that state & defined particularly what constitutes the crime of treason...all the indications are, that Gov. Dorr, (so called) means to meet what remains of his legislature at Chepachet.... See More
Check from Cooperstown, 1837...
Item #710640
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated 1837. Included is the amount in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak. Also a red ink cancellation.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame... See More
1859 Battle of Solferino...
Item #710307
July 12, 1859
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1859
* Battle of Solferino, Italy
* Second Italian War of Independence
The front page has one column headings: "THE BATTLE OF SOLFERNO" "Napoleon in Danger in the Fight" and more. (see images)
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.
Supporting William H. Harrison for President...
Item #710297
July 16, 1840
THE MADISONIAN, Washington City, July 16, 1840
* William Henry Harrison for president
This issue has on the inside page a political cartoon print of a log cabin (for Wm. H. Harrison) and a heraldic eagle engraving with "Harrison & Tyler" on a banner in the eagle's beak (see). Much political reporting.
Four pages, a few small binding holes along the spine, generally in very... See More
1864 Battle of Totopotomoy Creek....
Item #710272
May 31, 1864
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 1864
* Totopotomoy Creek
* Dallas, Georgia
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT'S ARMY" "Our Forces All South of the Pamunky" "A Severe Cavalry Fight on Saturday" "The Enemy Driven Back With Loss" "Further News from General Sherman" "A Fight On Saturday Near Dallas"... See More
Charles Goodrich murder.... Lizzie Lloyd King....
Item #710259
March 23, 1873
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 23, 1873
* Charles Goodrich murder
* Lizzie Lloyd King
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "THE BROOKLYN MYSTERY" with subhead. (see images) Coverage on the murder of Charles Goodrich in Brooklyn. Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Lloyd King would eventually be found guilty of the crime.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 8 pages, nic... See More
Whaling disaster of 1871....
Item #710255
November 07, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, November 7, 1871
* Whaling disaster of 1871
* Bowhead whales hunting
* Arctic ice jam
Page 7 has a very brief article headed with small heading: "The Whaling Fleet Disaster" and subhead. (see image)
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, a little irregular along the spine, generally in nice condition.
wikipedia notes: The Whaling Disaster of 1871 wa... See More
Masonic Hall dedication in NYC...
Item #710226
June 03, 1875
* Original Masonic Hall (Manhattan) dedication ceremonies
* Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of New York
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "THE MASONIC PAGEANT" with subheads. (see images) Lengthy text continues on the back page.
Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
Edison's latest telephone in 1879...
Item #710222
September 27, 1879
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 27, 1879
* Inventor Thomas Edison telephone invention
* Carbon button transmitter and 'chalk" receiver
The cover features "Meier's National and Astronomical Clock". Inside the issue is "Reynier's Electric Lamp"; "Tucker's Surf Boat"; "Edison's New Telephone" with very descriptive... See More
America's first ventriloquist... Honoring Commodore Truxton...
Item #710167
November 23, 1802
THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, Nov. 23, 1802 Inside has an interesting article headed: "Mr. Rannie" with nice text on: "The celebrated ventriloquist..." with much on him.
A website notes that Mr. Rannie is generally considered to be the first ventriloquist in America.
The same page has a brief report: "Tribute To Valor" celebrating c... See More
Existed for just two years...
Item #710136
January 11, 1806
THE EVENING FIRESIDE, Philadelphia, Jan. 11, 1806 This was a short-lived paper existing only from December, 1804 thru December, 1806.
It was one of several weeklies of the early 19th century. Mott describes them: "Most of the weeklies were low-priced, quarto in size, and designed for entertainment; frequently they combined politics and news with literature. Moreover, they were quite fr... See More
Mormon content... attempt to arrest Joe Smith...
Item #710043
September 10, 1842
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1842 A brief back page item headed: "Mormans (sic)" reports: "The last Quincy Herald represents that Gov. Carlin had fairly failed in his attempts to arrest Joe Smith (Joseph Smith) and Rockwell; and adds that the Mormons will not give them up, but fight to the last."
Also within is: "Treaty With The Senecas Of New ... See More
The Denmark Vesey slave revolt... Would one day fuel Frederick Douglass' battle-cry for freedom...
Item #710012
July 13, 1822
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 13, 1822 The back page has a report of the Denmark Vesey slave revolt, noting that six slaves were executed in Charleston.
Denmark Vesey was a former slave who purchased his freedom and then planned what would have been one of the largest slave rebellions in the United States. Word of the plans were leaked and authorities at Charleston arrest... See More
Terrific graphic issue on the death of President James Garfield...
Item #710001
September 26, 1881
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1881
* President James S. Garfield death
* Best publication to have ?
See the photos for the terrific & very unusual front page of this issue, which is a huge graphic on the death of President Garfield in the shape of a monument. It looks more like a broadside than the front page of a daily newspaper. Reporting begins on page 8 and continues o... See More
Rare Confederate title from Petersburg... Letter signed in type by: J.E. B. Stuart...
Item #709999
February 29, 1864
THE DAILY EXPRESS, Petersburg, Virginia, Feb. 29, 1864
* Rare Confederate publication
Petersburg was a critical city to the Confederacy, located not far south of the capital of Richmond, and the focus of a six-month long siege when ended in early April, 1865, when Lee withdrew his troops from Petersburg and urged Jefferson Davis to remove the capital from Richmond. The war would end sh... See More
A golf-themed print on the front page...
Item #709998
July 31, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 31, 1897
* William Thomas Smedley
* Golfing illustrations
The full front page is an illus: "I Felt Her Seize My Hand and Shake It." which shows a woman greeting a man with a golf club, with caddies & others in the background. This print accompanies a story inside titled: "Colonel Bogie, A Golf Story" where also is found a pr... See More
Gold mining in Johannesburg... Book plates of women of the world...
Item #709990
February 22, 1896
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, February 22, 1896 The front cover of the issue contains a very large illustration "Mining at Johannesburg -- Natives on the Way to Their Work". Also in the issue is wonderful prints and article of "BOOK PLATES OF CELEBRATED WOMEN OF THE WORLD" which are fascinating prints of the engravings these women made famous. "The New Po... See More
A week's worth of Civil War issues from the nation's capital...
Item #709973
July 13, 1861
THE DAILY GLOBE, Washington, D.C., July 8-13, 1861 A lot of 6 issues spanning an entire week (they did not print on Sundays) from the early Civil War era and from the nation's capital. This title concentrates on providing verbatim reports from Congress as its content is almost entirely such. Reports on the Civil War are very limited; however these issues do provide a nice reflection of C... See More
Large illustration of Millard Fillmore... John White Webster to be executed...
Item #709946
July 27, 1850
BOSTON MUSEUM, July 27, 1850 The front page has a large sketch/likeness of the newly sworn-in president, Millard Fillmore, the last member of the Whig Party to serve as POTUS. Included is an lengthy article which includes his 1842 resignation speech when he left Congress.
An inside notice announces that Harvard Professor John White Webster's request for a commutation of his d... See More
Rare 19h century women's suffrage newspaper...
Item #709943
October 09, 1888
THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL, Boston, Oct. 9, 1880
* Rare publication
* Women's suffrage
Rare women's suffrage paper founded in 1870, produced by--among others--Lucy Stone, Alice Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, and Mary Livermore. Published: " the interests of Woman, to her educational, industrial, legal & political Equality, & especially to her right of Suffrage"... See More
Death report of President Zachary Taylor... R. W. Emerson... California gold...
Item #709939
July 20, 1850
BOSTON MUSEUM, July 20, 1850 Page 4 has: "Death of President Taylor". which tells of the passing of President Zachary Taylor. Other items of interest include: "Transcendentalism Explained", which appears to be a bit of sarcasm related to the transcendental views of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a poem which encouraging its readers to count each day as precious, "Latest ... See More
Brigham Young arrested in 1871..
Item #709907
October 09, 1871
ONEIDA CIRCULAR, Oneida, New York, October 9, 1871
* Mormon Leader Brigham Young
* Mormon Leader Brigham Young
* Arrested for Adultery - 1st Report
A small size newspaper from the famous Oneida Community in New York, an early "commune" in experimental living. Various religiously-themed content but a bit of reporting of news of the day as well. An interesting title from this inte
The historic Jew Bill... Striving for equal rights for the Jews... Pres. Adam's Inaugural Address...
Item #709906
May 25, 1819
(priced at a discount) NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER (a pair of issues), Baltimore, May 29, 1819 and March 5, 1825
* Maryland Jew Bill w/ passage
* Jewish religious rights
* Jews to hold public office (MD)
A fine pair of issues on the passage of the Maryland "Jew Bill".
May 29, 1819 issue: Certainly the best content is full text of the speech presented by of H.M. Brackenridge in th... See More
A battle is brewing (on the outskirts of Richmond)...
Item #709893
May 24, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 24, 1862
* Battle of Princeton Court House
* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "Heavy Skirmish in the Neighborhood of Richmond", with what appears to a lengthy related editorial on page two which states in part: "This is probably the eve of battle. All facts poin... See More
Popular F.S. Church Christmas print (with two others)...
Item #709881
December 17, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 17, 1887
* Frederick Stuart Church
The double page centerfold is by A.B. Frost: "Lost Their Way", and the "Supplement" issue has the sought after F.S. Church print: "Great Expectations", showing the bears preparing a holiday feast for fellow animals (see). Also another fullpg: "The Call to Dinner in a Logging Camp&q... See More
President Zachary Taylor and much more... Early Florida...
Item #709879
October 06, 1848
THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Oct. 6, 1848
* Rare antebellum publication
This issue from Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, includes many articles and advertisements: "Gen. Taylor's Northern Platform" "Extract of a Speech Delivered in 1827 by Henry Clay of Kentucky" "General Taylor & the Proviso" "New Game of Ride and Tie" "Tay... See More
1892 Spalding Hose Fair, Waverly, New York...
Item #709865
December 10, 1892
WAVERLY FREE PRESS, Waverly, New York, December 6-10, 1892 (6 issues) This set includes 4 single-sheet issues of the "Spalding Hose Fair" (dated Dec. 6, 7, 8, and 9), one issue of the Waverly Free Press (dated Dec. 10), and a single sheet supplement of the Waverly Free Press (dated Dec. 10) - all providing day-by-day details of the Spalding Hose Fair of 1892. All issues have browni... See More
1882 Gunnison, Colorado original...
Item #709859
January 27, 1882
GUNNISON DAILY REVIEW, Colorado, Jan. 27, 1882
* Rare Old West title
* Volume 1 issue
An uncommon title from this boom mining town in the southwestern quadrant of Colorado, tucked in a valley amidst the Rocky Mountains.
Gunnison boomed in the late 1870's and early 1880's and was once the home of Wyatt Earp and "Texas Jack". Today there are some 5500 residents of Gunnison.... See More
William Walker Nicaragua expedition...
Item #709739
January 27, 1858
THE NEW YORK HERALD, January 27, 1858
* William Walker (filibuster) arrest
* Nicaragua expedition
Page 2 has an article with heading: "CAPTURE OF GEN. WILLIAM WALKER" with subhead. Text takes up over 3 columns.
Other news of the day just prior to the Civil War. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
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