Web Results (100)



A battle is brewing (on the outskirts of Richmond)...

Item #709893

May 24, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 24, 1862 

* Battle of Princeton Court House

* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "Heavy Skirmish in the Neighborhood of Richmond", with what appears to a lengthy related editorial on page two which states in part: "This is probably the eve of battle. All facts poin... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Confederate title - "Negro Equality in the North"... "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid"...

Item #709861

April 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 6, 1864

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Among the many articles are "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid" and ""Negro Equality in the North". Also present is: "Miscegenation--What it Means--Remarkable Confession of a Republican Journal" which begins: "The Yankees are running mad in their love for th... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

(Added to Catalog #351 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Making fun of Missouri and Maryland as "free states"...

Item #704635

January 16, 1865

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 16, 1865  The front page begins with an interesting editorial which has near the beginning: "A body termed a 'State Convention' in Missouri did on last Wednesday...pass an ordinance of Emancipation, declaring all slaves free from that moment; and the Northern papers inform us that thereupon 'Free Maryland extends her congratulations on 't... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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News from The Confederate capital...

Item #700500

January 01, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 1, 1864  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Among the various reports are: "The Capture of Our Cavalry at Charles City Court House" "Additional From the North--A Yankee Military Adventurer--Sketch of His Career" "The Confederate Congress" "Christmas At Charleston--Operations of the Enemy" '

From No... See More  

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Editor has a gloomly outlook on the war...

Item #699000

November 12, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1862  

* Confederate editor gives a pessimistic outlook

The front page has much on the Civil War with items headed: "The Enemy Of James River", "From Northern Virginia", "Fredericksburg--The Recent Yankee Raid", "The Navigation of The Mississippi", "Latest News From The North", and many subhead... See More  

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Much on the Civil War from the Confederacy...

Item #698788

February 12, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 12, 1863  

* Confederate capital

Not only a nice Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "City Intelligence" "Latest News From The North--Yankee Account of the Charleston Naval Victory" "Another Brutal Order of the Enemy--The Sick & Wounded Forced On Families & T... See More  

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Sherman descending upon Savannah...

Item #698734

December 19, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Dec. 19, 1864  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* General William T. Sherman

* Sherman's March to the Sea

* Capture of Savannah close

Not just a newspaper from the Confederate, but from the capital of the Confederate states.

The front page has an editorial beginning: "The accounts from Nashville are the statements of the enemy, &... See More  

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Much on the Civil War from the Confederacy...

Item #698605

January 24, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 24, 1863

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The front page includes: "The Intercepted Correspondence", "Notes Of The War--Affairs at Vicksburg--The Several Attempts of the Enemy Against the City--A Renewed Attack Expected--The Spirit of Our Army" "City Intelligence" "The Charge of Breckinridge's Division in ... See More  

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The Confederates on the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item #698576

July 11, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1863  

* Battle of Gettysburg

* Rebel account

The front page includes: "Charleston" "Yankee Agents In England" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Prisoners" "Sale of Negroes in Georgia" with a list of names, ages and prices--fascinating; "Another Attack On Charleston" "... See More  

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The Queen of the West... another Confederate naval victory!

Item #698573

February 27, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 27, 1863 

* A Splendid [Confederate] Naval Victory... Queen of the West

* Much on the (slow) movement of Northern Troops

* Newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States

Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederates states. Among the front page reports are: "The American War In Europe--Opinions of... See More  

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Editorial paints a positive picture for the Confederacy...

Item #698572

May 21, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 21, 1863 

* Lengthy Confederacy editorial

The front page has much reporting from the "The Courts" and "City Intelligence" as well as several Acts from the Confederate Congress including: "An Act to Establish a Volunteer Navy". There are also military reports from Mobile & Wilmington.

The back page has a lengthy ed... See More  

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From the Confederate capital...

Item #698518

January 14, 1862

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 14, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads and notices, with most of the balance taken up with war-related items but some "Foreign Miscellany" as well.

Page 2 begins with the always interesting editorial, taking over a full column, & beginning: "New York has supplied the sinews of the war to the... See More  

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The North says the war is hopeless...

Item #698347

January 27, 1863

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 27, 1863  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* The North claims the war is hopeful

The front page includes: "From Fredericksburg" "The Courts" "Virginia Legislature" "Additional From the North--The Situation at Fredericksburg--The Peace Movement in the New Jersey Legislature--The Administration Denounced--The W... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #698340

March 11, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 11, 1863

* Confederate capital

Among the front page items are: "Disaffection in the Yankee Army" "The Recent Terrible Railroad Accident in the South" "The Mineral Wealth of the South" "Capture of the Indianola From an Eye Witness" "Affairs in New Orleans" and other items.

The back page includes a leng... See More  

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From Fredericksburg... The enemy in Virginia...

Item #698271

February 01, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 1, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

The front page has some nice war-related content including items headed: "The Farmers & the New Conscription" "City Intelligence" "The Spring Campaign of the Enemy in Virginia--Important Developments" which takes over 2 columns, plus 3 letters concerning battles.

The back page ha... See More  

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Stirring words from the President of the Confederacy...

Item #698270

February 13, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 13, 1864 

* Jefferson Davis rallies Confederates

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Among the front page items are: "A Victory Near Charleston" "The enemy Again Advancing on The Peninsula" "Important Movement In Mississippi", "The Courts", "City Intelligence" "A Picture of Charleston U... See More  

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On Robert E. Lee as commander-in-chief...

Item #698099

January 05, 1865

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 5, 1865 

* General Robert E. Lee becomes commander in chief

* Rare Confederate title from the rebel capital & slave state

Not just a nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy, but one from near the end of the Civil War.

The front page has: "The War News" with various items & including near the end: "...that Lincoln was ... See More  

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The Civil War around Fredericksburg...

Item #698088

April 22, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 22, 1863 

* Capital of the Confederacy

The front page has: "From Suffolk" "From Fredericksburg--The Object of Lincoln's Visit to the Army--The West Refuses to Furnish Another Man" "The Situation at Suffolk--From the Army About Fredericksburg..." "Speech of a Virginia Traitor--Carlile Before the New York Hust... See More  

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From the Confederacy...

Item #698086

December 28, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Dec. 28, 1863  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* Christmas holidays in the South

The front page includes: "City Intelligence" "Major Edgar Burroughs" "From the Rapid Ann" "The Army of Tennessee" "A Dash Upon Cleveland, Tennessee" "a letter from Salem, Virginia" which concerns Roanoke C... See More  

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Butler's horrible treatment of Confederate prisoners...

Item #697878

January 15, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 15, 1864

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* General Benjamin Butler & Confederate prisoners

 Not only is this a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but it's from the capital of the Confederate States.

The front page includes: "The War News" "Absenteeism In the Army--A Curious Disclosure" "How Our Prisone... See More  

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Jefferson Davis rallies the troops...

Item #697498

August 14, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 14,1863 

* Capital of the Confederacy

* President Jefferson Davis

The first column on the front page has a variety of war items, plus the balance of the front page includes: "The Military Situation" "City Intelligence" "The Army and The Mails--The Sufferings of Soldiers & Their Friends From Anxiety & Suspense"... See More  

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The war In Missouri--Federal Atrocities...

Item #695621

January 17, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 17, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads while the other half is filled with Civil War reports, headed: "Notes Of the War" and having many subheads including: "The War In Kentucky--A Yankee's Account of the Military Situation" "A Change of Plan" "The War In Missouri--Fede... See More  

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Venomous attack upon General Butler...

Item #694449

January 12, 1865

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 12, 1865  

* Rare Confederate publication from the rebel capital

* Finals months of the American Civil War

Not just a nice Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy and very late in the war.

The editorial has near the beginning a very fascinating & sarcastic attack on Butler: "Most Confederate readers will learn... See More  

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General Hood's letter on losing his command... Great letter on the resolve of the Confederates...

Item #694446

January 28, 1865

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 28, 1865  

* Final months of the American Civil War

Not only a Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy.

The front page has various reports from very late in the Civil War, including: "The War News" which includes the text of General Hood's notice to his soldiers on being removed from command of his army, signed:... See More  

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Lee's army... Lengthy letter signed by Jefferson Davis...

Item #694423

June 01, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 1, 1864  A very nice Confederate title from the Confederate capital, so a wealth of the latest war-related news, from the Confederate perspective.

The front page includes: "The War News" which begins: "There were rumours yesterday of considerable fighting along the lines of Lee and Grant's armies..." Also: "General Lee's Army... See More  

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Evacuation of Fredericksburg... Lee, Grant, Butler, and more...

Item #694420

June 07, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 7, 1864  

* Fredericksburg evacuated

* General Robert E. Lee

* Rare from the Confederacy

Not only a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from its capital as well.

The front page has: "The War News" with various reports from different theaters of operation, beginning: "The news of the day yesterday was the report that got noised aro... See More  

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Letter from Robert E. Lee...

Item #694417

June 16, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 16, 1864

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* Rebel General Robert E. Lee Letter

Among the front page war reports in this newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy are: "The War News" which begins with a letter to the Secretary of War, signed in type: R. E. Lee, General; "The Transportation of the Wounded" "From the Raiding ... See More  

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Lincoln accepts his nomination for President... In a Confederate newspaper...

Item #694414

July 05, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 5, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln accepts nomination for re-election

A single sheet newspaper with just a one column masthead, somewhat typical for the period as most paper mills were located in the North, newsprint was of short supply in the South, causing publishers to maximize use of paper as much as possible.

This issue has a great wealth of Civil War re... See More  

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1864 Battle of Monocacy...

Item #694403

July 19, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 19, 1864  

* Battle of Monocacy - Frederick, Maryland

* Rare Confederate title from the rebel capital

Nice to have a Confederate newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. 

The front page has: "The War News" with the latest events of the war, and includes a subhead: "The Battle at Monocacy--Rout of the Enemy" & "R... See More  

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Sherman in Georgia...

Item #694400

June 29, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 29, 1864  

* General William T. Sherman

* Now in Georgia - march to the sea

* Rare Confederate publication

Not only a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate States.

This issue has on the front page: "Latest From The North..." "The War News" which includes a dispatch from Marietta to General Br... See More  

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A lengthy message from Jefferson Davis to his Congress...

Item #694399

May 03, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 3, 1864  

* Capital of the Confederacy

* President Jefferson Davis

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The War In North Carolina--Evacuation of Washington by the Yankees" "The Victory of Plymouth" "The Yankees in the Rappahannock" & more.

The back page is dominated by the: "President's Me... See More  

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News from the Confederacy...

Item #694166

April 28, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 28, 1864  Not just a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but a nice issue from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "The War News" "The Five Dollar Notes" "City Intelligence" "The Health of the City" "Rencounter With Chicken Thieves" and more.

Nearly two columns on the back page ar... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #694147

January 08, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 8, 1863 

* Capital of the Confederacy

Not just a Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy.

There is much war reporting here, from the Confederate perspective, including front page items headed: "Movements Of The Enemy" "City Intelligence" "Message Of The Governor" which takes most of the pag... See More  

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Jefferson Davis and his favorites...

Item #694141

February 04, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 4, 1863  Among the articles in this Confederate newspaper are: "From Vicksburg" "Virginia Legislature" "Additional From the North" "The Confederate Congress" "House of Representatives--Patriotic Fervor in the Confederacy" and more.

The back page has the always interesting editorial, this one beginning: ... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Civil War news from the home of the Confederacy...

Item #694124

March 04, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 4, 1863  Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate States of America.

Among the front page war-related items are: "The Fight In the Valley" "Foreigners Subject to Conscription" "From Murfreesboro" "The Enemy at Newbern, North Carolina" "The Dispersed Convention In Ke... See More  

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Confederate viewpoint on the Civil War...

Item #690880

September 02, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 2, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

A newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the reports are: "The War News" "The Battle of Reams' Station---General Hill's Official Report" "Butler's Canal" "Battle of Russell's Mill" "Yankee Accounts of the Fight at Reams' Station" "... See More  

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Confederate viewpoint on the Civil War...The day before Atlanta would be captured...

Item #690879

September 01, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 1, 1864  

* Rare Confederate publication

* Capture of Atlanta (Eve)

* General William T. Sherman

A newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the reports are: "The War News" "Wheeler In East Tennessee" "From Mobile" "From Mississippi" "Norther News" "From Atlanta--Shelling the City--Th... See More  

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Confederate viewpoint on the Civil War...

Item #690878

August 31, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 31, 1864  

* Rare rebel publication

A newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the reports are: "The War News" "Enlistment of Slaves In Kentucky" "The Situation At Mobile" "The Situation at Atlanta" "List of Casualties" and much more.

The back page has the always interesting editorial, with ... See More  

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Confederate viewpoint on the Civil War...

Item #690877

August 30, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 30, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

A newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the reports are: "The War News" "From Mobile---From Mississippi--From Georgia--From the Southwest--From Petersburg" "The Results at Petersburg"  "Additional From the North" "Immense Number of Desertions from the Yan... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #690211

September 08, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 8, 1864 

* From the Confederate capital

* Fall of Atlanta, Georgia

The issue includes: "The War News" "Wheeler's Movements" "Grant & His Family--Operations on James River" "From Georgia--Wheeler's Operations--From Mobile" "Additional From the North--The Fall of Atlanta" "The President... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #689974

July 27, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 27, 1864  

* From the Confederate capital

* General Robert E. Lee dispatch

This issue has: "The War News" which begins: "The most important news we have is the report of a complete victory by our forces in the Valley, near Winchester...". It also includes a letter on the battles signed in type: R. E. Lee, General.

Other items inclu... See More  

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Lincoln's views on exchange of officers of colored regiments...

Item #688142

September 12, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 12, 1863  The front page has "An Unfounded Rumor" that: "...one thousand Yankee cavalry had crossed the Pamunkey...& were moving across King William...robbing & pillaging..." with more. Also: "From Charleston" "From the Southwest" and many ads. 

Plus nearly 2 columns are headed: "Acts... See More  

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The capture of Fort Henry...

Item #688136

February 08, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 8, 1862  

* Fort Henry, Tennessee captured

* In a Confederate publication

The front page has: "Notes Of The War--The 'Situation' In Kentucky--Position of the Hostile Armies--The Five Grand Divisions of the Federal Army & Where They Are" "The North & the War--How to Raise the Money" "A Yankee's Experien... See More  

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An English opinion of Yankee courage...

Item #688134

February 15, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 15, 1862  

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads, plus there is: "Interesting from Europe" which includes a subhead: "The Mason-Slidell Affair--An English Opinion Of Yankee Courage--The American Difficulty at the Court of France..." and more. Also on the front page: "Notes Of The War&quo... See More  

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Death of General Zollicoffer... Fort Donelson...

Item #688133

February 17, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 17, 1862 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy, with war reports from the Confederate perspective. The front page includes: "A Lay Sermon "Traitors In Western Virginia" "Notes Of The War" which includes: "General McClellan Must Advance--Death of General Zollicoffer... See More  

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Fall of Fort Donelson: breaking news... End of the Provisional Southern Confederacy... States join the Confederacy...

Item #688132

February 18, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 18, 1862 

* Fall of Fort Donelson: breaking news...

* End of the Provisional Southern Confederacy

* State join the Confederacy

Half of the front page is taken up with ads and notices, and half with news items including: "The Northern Congress--Amusing Picture of The War--A Yankee Congressman at Bull Run" and other items. But the most s... See More  

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Capture of Fort Donelson... Warnings by the editor...

Item #688130

February 19, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 19, 1862  

* Battle of Fort Donelson - Captured

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The front page has both ads and news, including: "The Stone Blockade In Europe" "What Is Thought Of It" "Notes of the War" which has subheads: "The Ruin of Our Army" "The North & the Blockade" 'Yankee Sp... See More  

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Great issue on the Battle of Gettysburg... From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #688122

July 06, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, July 6, 1863 

* Historic Battle of Gettysburg

* From the Confederate perspective

Not only is this a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but it is from the Confederate capital.

Although the front page has much reporting on the Civil War, certainly the most significant content in this issue is the rather lengthy & detailed reporting on ... See More  

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Terrific on the Battle of Gettysburg, with editorial comment...

Item #688121

July 07, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 7, 1863  

* Fantastic Battle of Gettysburg Coverage

* Rare Confederate title from rebel capital

The front page has various war items including: "The Army of the Pamunkey--The Attack on the South Anna Bridge". There is also a great front page letter datelined "Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1863" which is prefaced with: &... See More  

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News from the Confederate capital...

Item #688115

February 05, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 5, 1862 

* Capital of the Confederacy

Not just a newspaper from the Confederate states, but from the capital of the Confederacy.

The front page includes: "The Grand Yankee Army" "Interesting & Valuable Statistics" "Report of the Sanitary Commission" "Condition of the Army--State of the Camps--How the Soldier... See More  

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