From the American Revolutionary War era...
Item #711936
May 29, 1779
* American Revolutionary War era
* 18th century - from The Enemy
Newspapers from England during the time of the Revolutionary War are always interesting as they give a sense as to life at that time and what political discussions were the "hot topic" of the day.
I could find no "meaty" references to the Revolutionary War in this iss... See More
From the American Revolutionary War era...
Item #711090
June 01, 1779
* American Revolutionary War era
* 18th century - from The Enemy
Newspapers from England during the time of the Revolutionary War are always interesting as they give a sense as to life at that time and what political discussions were the "hot topic" of the day.
I could find no "meaty" references to the Revolutionary War in this iss... See More
Reflecting upon the war in America...
Item #706379
December 13, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 13, 1781
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
The front page has 2 columns taken up with a letter: "To the People of Great Britain" much of which comments on the situation in America and the Revolutionary War.
Nearly 4 pages of reports from the "House of Commons" also include some discussion of the American ... See More
A Proclamation by the King of England....
Item #703432
December 14, 1779
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Dec. 14, 1779 Most of the front page is taken up with two Proclamations by the King of England, both: "For a General Fast" and each ending with: "God Save the King".
Eight pages, 7 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.
From the Revolutionary War era...
Item #702232
March 13, 1779
* American Revolutionary War era
* 18th century - from The Enemy
Newspapers from England during the time of the Revolutionary War are always interesting as they give a sense as to life at that time and what political discussions were the "hot topic" of the day.
I could find no "meaty" references to the Revolutionary War in this i... See More
On Washington's attempt to drive out Sir Henry Clinton...
Item #701156
November 03, 1780
CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 3, 1779 Inside has several items on the Revolutionary War including: "...that the Congress, after every effort to put a sufficient force under General Washington's command to drive Sir Henry Clinton from that continent, came to the violent measure off issue an edict for pressing certain descriptions of men, which upon the neck of some se... See More
Warning to Loyalists who remain...
Item #700875
June 27, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 27, 1783 Pages 2 & 3 have some content related to the end of the Revolutionary War, one bit noting: "...find themselves standing alone in a dispute with this country, neither France, Spain, or America, having now any longer cause for quarrel with Great Britain...".
Also, a little chart noting the number of tons imported by various... See More
Sinking of the ship Mermaid... G. Germaine loves to hear of massacred Americans...
Item #697881
June 15, 1779
THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, June 15, 1779
* American Revolutionary War era
* 18th century - from The Enemy
Page 2 has a report headed: "American News" which details the loss of the ship Mermaid near Egg Harbor, New Jersey. The ship was driven ashore and wrecked with the loss of more than 102 lives. She was on a voyage from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to New York.
The back ... See More
More on Prevost's defeat... A letter criticizing the war in America...
Item #697639
August 17, 1779
THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, Aug. 17, 1779
* American Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century from The Enemy
* Charleston, South Carolina
* General Augustine Prevost
The bottom of page 3 has a report noting: "...brings...a confirmation of the defeat of Prevost and that that General would have met with the fate of Burgoyne had it not been for the boats he had on the river, i... See More
Maryland resolves for peace, but only if independence is assured...
Item #696918
August 01, 1782
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1782
* American Revolutionary War
* Maryland for peace
Under: "American Affairs" is a report from Annapolis which includes: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North enable the King of Great Britain to conclude a peace or truce with the United States (b... See More
Criticizing plans to acknowledge American independence...
Item #696584
May 14, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 14, 1782 Over one-third of page 6 is a letter signed: "A British and also A Real American Patriot", which is very critical of plans to offer peace with America and to acknowledge its independence.
It notes in part: "...Shall our hasty peace-makers then sever those Colonies from the British empire by declaring them independent?...the proposit... See More
Culture of vines (vineyards/wine)... The situation in America...
Item #693132
THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, 1775 * Culture of vines (vineyards... for wine)
* Rev. War in America
A desirable article is titled: "The Culture of Vines Further Illustrated", which includes discussion on the care of vineyards.
Of note is also a lengthy article headed: "Debates in the Last Session of Parliament, Resumed", which includ... See More
Culture of wine... The situation in America...
Item #693130
* Rev. War in America
This issue is mostly taken up with a lengthy article headed: "Debates in the Last Session of Parliament, Resumed" which includes various talk of the Revolutionary War in America.
Another article is titled: "The Culture of Vines Further Illustrated", plus there is ... See More
Closing events of the Revolutionary War...
Item #690374
April 29, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, April 29, 1783
* American Revolutionary War - closing events
The front page has some reports concerning the negotiations for a treaty of peace to end the Revolutionary War. Also reports headed: "America" which carry over to page 2 concerning various events in America, one bit noting: "...In January last, Col. Willet, with about 600 men... See More
Reports on closing events of the Revolutionary War...
Item #690373
July 25, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, July 25, 1783
* American Revolutionary War - closing events
This issue has a wealth of reporting on the closing events of the Revolutionary War and the negotiations for peace.
The front page has reports concerning the Spanish at St. Augustine, and mention that: "...returned from New York & brings information that every preparation is making... See More
On the exchange of prisoners...
Item #690292
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1779 * American Revolutionary War prisoners
* Founding father Francis Lightfoot Lee
Inside includes the: "Second Letter from Admiral Gambier to the American Congress" which is his plea for the release of: " innocent officer imprisoned for being the bearer of a sealed packet..." with much more. This if followed be a lett... See More
The situation with America... Report from Charleston...
Item #688361
August 04, 1779
* American Revolutionary War
* Report from Charleston, South Carolina
A brief item on pg. 2 notes: " express was received from South Carolina that General Prevost had made himself master of Charlestown [Charleston] the 11th ult, which he had carried by assault." See images for more details.
Over half of the f... See More
Reflecting on the highlights of the Revolutionary War... Map of a naval battle...
Item #686469
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT, London, For the Year 1781 A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, and from the Revolutionary War with a wide range of varied content including war reports, news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other tidbits.A lengthy article: "Interesting Debate in the House of Peers" includes some reflecti... See More
From the Revolutionary War...
Item #685805
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1780 A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as there is very little American content in this issue.Just one report in the "Historical Chronicle" with two items: "There have been no material advices from America that can be rely'd on. A vague report...that two French s... See More
Pennsylvania Assembly distresses their residents...
Item #685789
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780 One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such fines ... See More
"Peace is near at hand"... Huddy/Asgill Affair...
Item #683364
September 17, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 17, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 2 has news from America, including: "...steadily pursue the plan lately adopted for carrying on the American war...that he saw & conversed with the deputies from the New England colonies...with Sir Guy Carleton to know what terms had been proposed by this country to Co... See More
Will Loyalist merchants in Charleston be left in the lurch? Land in Canada for the Loyalists...
Item #683002
November 26, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 26, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century original
* From The Enemy
Page 4 is entirely taken up with the petitions of various merchants in Charleston to General Leslie (military commander of British troops in the city) recalling a commercial agreement of two years prior, now suspect given the planned evacuation of the British from Charleston... See More
Captain Lippencot is acquitted... New York prepares for an attack...
Item #681163
September 07, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Sept. 7, 1782 Page 3 has a report on the Asgill Affair noting: "...who came from New York...we learn that Capt. Lippencot was acquitted by a general court martial & Capt. Asgill still continues on his parole; and that the Rebels had by some means taken a refugee American Captain on whom they threatened to retaliate for Huddy...people all New Yo... See More
Washington & the French are advancing upon New York City...
Item #681161
August 27, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 27, 1782
* 18th century Revolutionary War Era
* From The Enemy - George Washington
The front page has: "...various accounts from America...brought...from Virginia & some more recent arrivals from the Chesapeake, all agreeing that the plan of combined operation between America and France is against New York; and that an attempt is ... See More
Guy Carleton has arrived to negotiate a peace treaty...
Item #681158
August 08, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 8, 1782
* American Revolutionary War
* Guy Carleton for peace ?
The front page has a report from Annapolis, Maryland's House of Delegates noting in part: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North America...the draft of a bill brought into the British Parliament to ... See More
The Asgill Affair: Asgill has been set free... British to leave New York...
Item #681156
August 03, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 3, 1782
* American Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century from The Enemy
Page 3 includes: "Lord Shelburne's scheme for prosecuting the American war is to withdraw the troops from New York, but to keep Charles-Town and to carry on hostilities chiefly at sea. The troops at New York to be sent to he West Indies...Advice received from Bo... See More
General Clinton's letter on the Loyalists...
Item #681060
April 27, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, April 27, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 3 has reports under the heading: "America" including: "...that the army under the Count de Rochambeau have leveled their works, and quitted their posts at York-Town, Virginia. Also a letter sent too Gov. Franklin, President of the Board of Directors of A... See More
From the Revolutionary War era...
Item #678246
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780 * Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the s... See More
Culture of wine... The situation in America...
Item #677717
THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, 1775 This issue is mostly taken up with a lengthy article headed: "Debates in the Last Session of Parliament, Resumed" which includes various talk of the Revolutionary War in America.Another article is titled: "The Culture of Vines Further Illustrated", plus there is a wide variety of other articles as well.
Both ... See More
America in a bad condition... The duty on imported slaves...
Item #674303
November 04, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 4, 1783 Page 2 has a letter from Charleston: "You will please to observe, that this place is no longer called Charlestown, but Charleston, it being incorporated under that name by an act of Assembly..." then a list of various duties imposed by the S.C. legislature including: "Negroes imported directly from Africa, four feet and upwards, 3 po... See More
Celebrating General Greene & the recapture of the Southern colonies...
Item #673961
April 24, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 24, 1783 Close to half of the front page is: "On the American Trade" being a letter signed "a merchant" as how to make it happen after the independence of America. Another ftpg. item mentions: "That Sir Guy Carleton had issued a Proclamation inviting those American who had quitted their houses at New York to return & repossess... See More
How to agree to terms for peace... Independence is granted?
Item #673698
October 03, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 3, 1782
* Revolutionary War ending events
* Americans again have independence ?
Page 2 has a letter from New York noting: "Every thing here seems to be at a stand. The army being in a state of inactivity & the inhabitants & loyalists of New York disappointed & dejected at the offers of Independence held out to the Americans..."... See More
On General Gage in America...
Item #660294
November 01, 1782
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, November, 1782 Inside has an article: "Account of the Arrival of General Gage in America in the Year 1774, With the Proceedings of the Americans in Consequence of the Boston Port Bill Until the Appointment of a Congress".
Included is one of the two plates called for, a foldout (has wrinkles).
Complete in 48 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, one defective... See More
Very descriptive of St. Lucia...
Item #660235
April 01, 1782
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, April, 1782 Inside has over a full page article: "An Account of the Island of St. Lucia" which is very descriptive. The accompanying map called for is lacking. The other plate called for is lacking as well.
Complete in 56 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Formatted very much like the Gentleman's Magazine but a much more s... See More
Review of a book on the Revolutionary War...
Item #660208
September 01, 1781
LONDON MAGAZINE, England, September, 1781 Under Review Of Books" is one for: "The Revolution of America", which begins: "A narrative of the origin and progress of the rupture between Great Britain and her colonies, written with extreme partiality to the colonists, condemning in every point of view the conduct of the British government & justifying France and Spa... See More
British soldiers retreat at Princeton due to hunger...
Item #659907
July 08, 1777
THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, July 8, 1777
* American Revolutionary War era
* 18th century - from The Enemy
* Cornwallis at Princeton, New Jersey
The front page has a report noting: "General Putnam... with near 5000 Provincial troops...was attacked near Prince Town by Lord Cornwallis with between four and five thousand English troops when a general action commenced...when t... See More
News from Lake Ontario...
Item #659905
July 03, 1777
THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, July 3, 1777
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century original
* From The Enemy
* Unique gift idea
Page 3 has a few items concerning America: "...that General Burgoyne, to the great joy of all the Province, arrived safe the 6th of May; that an expedition over the Lake Ontario under the command of Sir Wm. Johnson, with a great number of Indians, C... See More
Trial of Admiral Keppel...
Item #652592
January 19, 1779
THE MIDDLESEX JOURNAL & EVENING POST, London, Jan. 19, 1779 The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with verbatim: "Proceedings of the Court Martial on the Trial of Admiral Keppel". As Wikipedia notes: 'During the American Revolutionary War Keppel came into a notorious dispute with Sir Hugh Palliser over Palliser's conduct as his second-in-command at the... See More
Independent spirit of those from Vermont...
Item #651190
September 20, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 20, 1783 The bkpg. has a report: "Private letters from New York mention that the inhabitants of the new State of Vermont are determined to encounter every danger, and even to form alliances with the Indian nations, rather than be incorporated with, or, as they conceive, subjected to the control of any of the United American States...".
Earlier ... See More
Early on Japan... Washington honored by the French...
Item #650618
September 01, 1780
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, September, 1780 A early article on Japan with: "Curious Account of the Inhabitants of the Empire of Japan, Their Government, Manners, & Customers..." which takes 3 1/2 pages.
Near the back is: "American Affairs" taking nearly a full page, mostly on naval events in the Caribbean, but it also includes a report from Hartford noting Wa... See More
Loyalists are leaving Charleston with their slaves...
Item #649648
April 10, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 10, 1783 Page 4 has: "American News" which includes: "The fleet left Charlestown [Charleston] bar on the 18th...part of which having on board Loyalists & their negroes, was conducted to St. Augustine by the convoy...part went to New York with his Majesty's ships...having on board troops and inhabitants, many families of ... See More
More on Moody's book on America...
Item #645129
January 02, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 2, 1783 Page 2 has some content concerning independence of America (see), and page 5 is entirely taken up with the continued: "Further Extracts From the Printed Narrative of Lieutenant James Moody's Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of Government in North America".
The bkpg. has a paragraph noting: "...advices came from America, no ... See More
New York Loyalists are nervous that the British will abandon them...
Item #644622
August 15, 1782
* New York loyalists
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 2 has a letter from New York noting: "The people here are in a great consternation on a rumour among us, that, the British forces are to evacuate this & every part of America, which has had such an effect on the Loyalists that some of them have already sent... See More
Peace with dishonor is not acceptable...
Item #644618
August 06, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 4 has an interesting report which explains how the British soldiers fighting in America are paid (see). Page 5 has news headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston and Annapolis mentioning in part: " an excursion he made to Amelia twp. last week fel... See More
A Proclamation by the King...
Item #620582
June 13, 1780
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 13, 1780 Although from the midst of the Revolutionary War I cannot find any reference to it, this issue filled primarily with reports from Europe, including a front page "Proclamation" by the King.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.
A Proclamation by the King concerning riots and treason...
Item #620581
June 16, 1780
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 16, 1780 Although from the midst of the Revolutionary War I cannot find any reference to it, this issue filled primarily with reports from Europe, including a front page "Proclamation" by the King concerning treasonous activity.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.
Final items regarding the Revolutionary War...
Item #617546
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1782 The issue begins with 8 pages of "Proceedings In Parliament", the first 3 of which have much concerning America with mention of an exchange of prisoners, Mr. Laurens, Ben Franklin, Lord Cornwallis, General Burgoyne, and more.Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" with the latest news reports of the day, including men... See More
America is not about to compromise with England...
Item #615582
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778 Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" includes reference to Ben Franklin; "On the Worshiping of the Primitive Christians to the East" , and more.The most significant c... See More
On General Fraser's work in Canada...
Item #611545
March 17, 1780
EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 17, 1780
* Revolutionary War
Over one-third of the front page is taken up with a: "Eulogium on General Fraser--From General Burgoyne's State of the Expedition from Canada, just published" (see for portions).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.
Relations with America...
Item #606551
June 09, 1780
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 9, 1780 The bottom of the front page begins a letter which takes two-thirds of pg. 2 concerning relations with America, beginning; "I shall wave mentioning any thing with regard to the American war; so much has been said pro and con by men of superior abilities...this is not my design, but I shall confine myself to a few of the most notorious rec... See More
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